Ing.  Ayeh made president of WAFEO

Ing. Leslie Alex Ayeh – New President of WAFEO

The Immediate Past President of Ghana Institution of Engineering (GhIE), Ing. Leslie Alex Ayeh, has been sworn into office as the 4th President of the West African Federation of Engineering Organizations (WAFEO).

The investiture ceremony was held in Abuja, Nigeria on 18th May, 2021 at the Auditorium of the National Engineering Centre, Nigerian Society of Engineering secretariat.

In his inaugural address, Ing. Ayeh said that the challenge of the pandemic has trimmed our normal activities and gatherings but has enabled us to think “outside the box” and thus enabled us to still function.

The absence of in-person activities has taken the excitement of meeting each other, but it is my prayer and hope that normalcy should be restored soon.

Ing. Ayeh appreciated the hard work by his predecessors, saying, “WAFEO has indeed come a long way through the hard work and effort of Past Presidents like Ing. K.A. Kwakwa (2012 – 2014), Ing. Magnus Lincoln Quarshie (2014 – 2017) and His Royal Highness Engr. Otis Anyaeji (2017 – 2021).

WAFEO has been kept alive by Members of Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Ghana Institution of Engineering (GhIE) and Sierra Leoneans Institution of Engineering (SLIE).

“This is a great day in my life and feel like “puss-in-boots” as I step into the shoes of His Royal Highness. However, boys grow into men so with your prayers and support I would do my utmost best”, Ing. Ayeh concluded.

Present at the ceremony and those joined by Zoom included: Muhammed Musa Bello-Minister of Federal Capital Territory, Prof. Gong Ke, President of World Federation of Engineering Organization (WFEO), Engr. Mustafa Balarabe Shehu, Executive Vice President of WFEO, Ing. Carlien Bou-Chedid, President of Federation of Engineering Organization (FAEO), HR Engr. Otis Anyaeji, Outgoing President of WAFEO, Engr. Babagana Mohamed, President of Nigerian Society of Engineers, Ing. Kwabena Agyei Agyepong, General Secretary of WAFEO and other high profile Engineers and dignatories around the world.