B&FT staff ,others undergo defensive driving training


As part of measures in improving road safety in Ghana, some line managers of the Business and Financial Times, have attended a two day programme in Defensive Driving

The programme which was organized by Toptech Ghana, a road safety and consulting company and an ISO certified trainer had other participants from the Millennium Development Authority and the US Peace Corps.

Statistics of road crashes in Ghana reveals that, many more persons have died due to fatal road crashes. These crashes could be avoided as 90% of the crashes are caused by human errors.

Such errors could be avoided if only the vehicle user had attended a specialized defensive driving programme. BFT and Toptech Ghana who have been partners in the past years are committed to assist corporate Ghana in reducing the crashes by extending this programme to throughout all companies in the country.
Participants were taking through topics such as Reducing the Carnage on the Roads, Vehicle Maintenance and Safety Culture, Gear Transmission System in Manual And Automatic Vehicle, Vehicle Tyre Management, Speed Management and many others.

At the end of the programme, the managers reiterated the need to change the laws of the country for all drivers to compulsory attend such programmes to improve the standard of driving.

As the leading news media company in Ghana, managers of B&FT cautioned Corporate Ghana to improve the quality of driving standards within their organisation by opting for training in defensive driving. This shall reduce road traffic crashes, many of which are avoidable.
At the end of the programme which was dubbed, “Arrive alive in one piece and not in pieces” all participants were awarded an ISO certificates in Defensive driving.