Ralph DiBugnara Reveals What It Takes to Become Successful through The Disruptors Network


More often than not, people only get to see the success of entrepreneurs who have already made it, without truly seeing what it took to actually reach that success.

The Real Estate Disruptors want to challenge the status quo and share the raw stories of founders and business owners, including all the struggles they faced on their journeys.

The Real Estate Disruptors Network is the brainchild of two entrepreneurs, Ralph DiBugnara and Eulogio Medina. The duo has achieved an astounding amount of success through consistency, perseverance, and an unshakeable mindset. They are now on a quest to inspire many bright minds who need a push toward entrepreneurship. The new reality show follows the stories of Anthony Lolli, Raphael Vargas, Sickamore, Hovain, Luke and Jordan Lintz, Vanessa DeLeon, Lynn Hazan, Anthony Delgado, and Paul Getter, as well as the two creators.

What makes this show unique in its own right is that it has no script. “We want to be as truthful as possible and to showcase the reality behind success. It all looks easy from the outside, but what most people don’t get to see is the constant and arduous grind that it takes, day in and out, to become a leader in your industry. We have chosen the roster of guests very carefully. These are all people who have started from scratch and gotten to where they are today without having things handed to them. We want to drive the point home that anyone has the capacity to achieve big things as long as they put their mind to it,” Medina and DiBugnara share.

The first episode of the Disruptors Network premiered on 18 February, 2021. The first season comprises of 12 episodes, each released weekly. Viewers are able to catch the show across various platforms, including YouTube, Roku, Amazon Prime, and Apple TV, and the brand new free app that the creators have launched.

“We want to extend the opportunity to see this show to as many people as we possibly can across the globe,” they say.

The Disruptors Network is concerned not only with the financial gains that its guests have attained but also with the impact they have had on their communities. Each of the people featured wants to be an agent of change in their community.

“We want to inspire people to think bigger, but not only in a personal plan. We want them to project their ideas on a community-wide level and see how they can bring about a positive change in their cities, countries, and perhaps even the world.”

To the Real Estate Disruptors team, the key is to clearly separate the world of social media from reality. Social media is a powerful weapon when used strategically. The team behind the Disruptors Network wants to use its social media influence for good, to eliminate the anxiety that comes with the uncertainty of launching a business. Each story featured on the show is told as is, without any distortions. They bring viewers behind the scenes of each leader and reveal what their days truly look like independent of the Instagram stories and posts.

The show has piqued the interest of business networks, including CNBC, Forbes, CBS News, and FOX Business. Thousands of fans tuned in for the premiere, hungry for motivation and waiting to get a boost of passion and personal motivation to work on their own goals. The creators are determined to make a positive change and to serve as a guiding light in terms of mindset and motivation for their viewers and followers.

If you would like news and updates about the show, then visit the Real Estate Disruptors Instagram.