Making in-house appointments a priority and external secondary


In the recruitment process, (Armstrong, 2009) cited that applicants within must be given a chance whiles encouraging others who have departed the organization to comeback at the same time taking counsel or advise from staffs who are currently employed.

It is when these channels fail before outside alternatives such as advertising, online recruiting, agencies and job centers, consultants, recruitment process out-sourcing providers and learning institutions can be considered (CIPD, 2008a).

The longer staffs in organizations work together and stay in unity, the stronger the working bond they form.

They learn from each other and grow in the understanding of the job. There is absolute trust and their confidence is buoyed up.

They look up to each other for inspiration and mentorship. At a time, they become masters of the job with little or less supervision.

The organization has an advantage with these group of staffs in terms of increased productivity.

This is why (Armstrong, 2009) will encourage human resource departments of organizations to recruit staffs from within.

In this light, it is advisable and prudent to if possible, convince staffs that are used to the organization’s working methods but for one reason or another, they had left the organization.

It is difficult to marry work differences but if those staffs are effective, resourceful and highly productive, it is important they are called back into the organization. I heard a friend of a highly reputable organization say he and his other colleagues do not have to be ‘friends’ to get the job done. It is a business sense and principle.

Work results supersedes relationships even though the latter is necessary to enhance the chemistry that brings the results.

But the first must be considered in bringing old staffs back and then of course, the second must be worked-on to foster a congenial atmosphere for work. Everything must be done to resolve old differences in bringing old staffs back. Of course, no staff will be happy going back to an organization with unresolved issues.

They will want their second coming to be better. On the other hand, if in-coming staffs left due to motivational and remuneration issues, management of organizations must reassess conditions of work.

If an organization is trying to ‘woo’ departed staffs back then of course common sense must inform us that, the ones remaining or the in-house staffs must be treasured. Therefore, their opinions or views are so necessary to sending the organization to their next level of growth. Remaining staffs are trustworthy and their opinions can be very genuine. In fact, the present survival of the organization relied on their efforts. No staff who has worked hard for something will want to destroy it nor destroy the system they have created that determines their survival. It is a senseless thing to do and therefore they can be trusted.

Potential new staffs who are usually observing an organization from afar as their dream working place usually have huge respect for the existing company. And so a diligently searching organization through newspaper advertisements, television and radio are likely to get the best. Searching for new staffs outside the organization is therefore usually not a bad approach or attempt at all but to promote continuity and work culture, it is always ideal to consider staffs within.

These days, organizations advertise for job openings on recruitment and company websites. Intelligent and smart job seekers also create networks or interconnect with renowned organizations and influential individuals through interacting mediums with their ‘resume’ or particulars displayed. One popular medium is ‘LinkedIn’. They follow the career development and new job opportunities of their interested parties. Based on these, job placement alerts are given when it is due. They are invited for interviews and the recruitment process begins from there.

There are physically located recruitment companies and job centers all over our vicinities today. If you don’t ask, you will never know.

They take hardcopy particulars of job seekers plus administration fees, conducts interviews with applicants on behalf of prospective organizations and use the results to look for suitable appointments for their clients.

It takes time with this manual approach but it really pays when a long-awaited welcome opportunity comes. It can be satisfying and organizations can be certain of what to expect from prospective staffs because they took time to search.

Personalities who have specialized and working with organizations are capable of advising representative of company’s caliber or potential staffs that will be fit for positions in their firms. They are called job or work consultants. Individuals who are developing or seeking a career path can walk to persons or organizations that have specialized in advising others on their careers.

They are into advisory services and this function usually goes with consultation. Such individuals position job seekers and get them in readiness for work opportunity. They become more like intermediaries for job seekers so that as soon as there is a job opening, they link or connect such individuals because they know their stuff.

Recruitment is a process. From the day the job seeker sends his or her application and curriculum vitae to the prospective employer, the recruitment process begins.

Today, recruitment processes are no more one-stop interviews. Representatives of organizations will first of all call applicants for job orientations in the form of introducing the organization, their values, beliefs, culture and so on.

The interview has already began not known to the applicant. All these are to prepare the minds of applicants to know what is expected of them should they join the organization. By the time the applicant is invited to a one-on-one interview, employers are convinced the former has been prepared to take up other responsibilities within the organization even though the applicant may be eyeing or interested in just one favorite position. Recruitment process therefore offers wide work role opportunities and broadens the mind of the prospective staff to succeed in any department within organization.

What is (Armstrong, 2009) trying to tell us? That job recruitment from within and without the organization are all important at a point. Heads and Management of organizations must know when to use any of the two.

To foster the working unit, work processes and liberality, it is advantageous in terms of promoting working culture to recruit staffs from within an organization. However, if the organization does not find the expertise and competencies within in-house staffs, it is duly wise to recruit persons from outside the organization that has the qualification, the skills and experience the company requires to provide work result. This will invariably eliminate familiarity with work environment which could trigger lazy attitude to work and eventually affect high-level productivity.

The Writer is a Marketing specialist

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