Istanbul Aydin University opens doors for Ghanaian students to study abroad


“The Istanbul Aydin University is opening their doors to Ghanaian students who are ready and willing to continue their tertiary education” Mr. Lawrence MaishuNgalim-International Officer said. He stated that, they are in Ghana to promote the Istanbul Aydin University and give opportunity for all.

In an interview with Mr. Lawrence MaishuNgalim (International Officer), the Istanbul Aydın University was established under the guidance of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation in accordance with the additional article numbered 73 of the law numbered 5656 published in the Official Gazette numbered 26526 on the date of 18.05.2007.  In this context, IAU has a unique position in Turkey. The institution of IAU provides associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree and master’s degree education.

Being one of the youngest and the most dynamic universities of Turkey that proceeds in the direction of global education and international development, Istanbul Aydın University contributes to humanity by sustaining education and studies in the field of contemporary modern sciences.

Besides taking its rightful place in the world through its contributions with its academic units in local, national and international fields by taking advantage of international cooperation and solidarity, some of the important elements for international education, Istanbul Aydın University continues to become popular in the areas of science and technology.


  • Graduate students have their classes in the evening between the hours of 6pm-9pm.
  • Every student has access to do anything of his/her choice that fetches him/her money.


  • To be an institution that serves the community via education which puts forward world class basic, applied and interdisciplinary research and proficiency in professions that accelerates the transformation of information into product with an infrastructure keeping up to date technologically that is required for education, training and researches at the top level.

To prepare students as competent individuals in their professions for an environment with global competition and cultural differences through taking into account their individual differences by creating a campus with the physical conditions that contain different cultures and international elements.

  • To create national and international cooperation with Academic Environments, Businesses and NGOs,
  • To promote individuals and the society into lifelong learning,
  • To become center of attraction in national and international arenas for students and academicians.

our vision is to become a higher education institution where sustainable innovation prevails and individuals who will be beneficial to humanity are educated by gaining vocational competences in education programs keeping up with the changes.


Having succeeded many accomplishments in spite of being young, IAU prepares its students for their dream jobs by providing free career planning service to its students and alumni. You can find yourself starring in a movie, doing a research or singing along with somebody when you visit IAU that knows the importance of practical education besides theoretical education.


WAEC results and testimonials from your senior high school.


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