Corporate Poet: Ask for help


Don’t laugh at me when I ask a question

My problem may not be your problem

You may have the stone to crack my nut

I may have the water to quench your thirst

No single individual is self sufficient

We need each other’s help


Shouting for help is a show of honesty

Calling for help is a show of integrity

Looking for help shows responsibility

Asking for help is a show of courage

Seeking for help is a show of trust


Shout for help when you are in trouble

And everything else begins to crumble

When you are exhausted and feeble

And nothing seems to be workable


One person cannot know everything

Your question may lead to an idea

And the idea may lead to a solution

It is not a failure to ask for help


Shout for help when you are sick

Your going to hospital must be quick

It is not a disgrace to have an illness

For sickness is not a show of weakness

Early treatment can save your life


When you don’t know, ask for help

When you don’t understand, ask for help

When you are confused, ask for help

When you are lost, ask for help

It is not a shame to ask for help


When you are assaulted, shout for help

When you are intimidated, call for help

When you are cheated, ask for help

When you are abused, look for help

When you are stranded, shout for help

Seeking help doesn’t mean you are weak


When you see danger, shout for help

When you are scared, shout for help

When you are trapped, shout for help

When you run out of cash, shout for help

When you are left behind, shout for help

Seeking help does not make you a coward


When you are harassed, shout for help

When you are bullied, shout for help

When there is insecurity, shout for help

When you are persecuted, shout for help

When things are not clear, shout for help


When all hopes are gone, shout for help

Never wait until it is too late

Ask for help!