Suspend the consumption of ‘kako’ for now – FDA advises


The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), has cautioned the consumers of salted fish, popularly called ‘Kako’, to suspend its consumption for a while as it may be contaminated.

Abu Sumaila, Head of the FDA in the Western Region, explained to the B&FT in an interview that it is alleged an individual who bought dolphins which came offshore at Axim on Sunday, April 4, 2021 mentioned that they would be used for ‘Kako’.

“We are not sure what might have happened before they came to the shore; these are deep in the sea and for them to have come to the shore, something might have happened. It could be contamination or something else. Investigations are on-going and samples have been picked up, as well as water for tests to find out whether there is contamination or what,” he said.

We are not sure what will happen after the tests, so we are advising that it would be appropriate for those of us who love ‘kako’ to hold on – because if such fish is put on the market, it becomes difficult to determine whether it is dolphin that has been prepared as ‘kako’,” he cautioned.

According to him, there were so many of the dolphins washed ashore and the FDA does not know the cause of such mass movement. Since the dolphins washed ashore some have managed their way back into the ocean, but scores were caught while others died.

Mr. Sumaila further explained that officers of the FDA are in the field, educating the immediate communities such as Axim, Dixcove, Half-Assini, Agona Nkwanta and the Nzema area.

“But we should not be surprised if people take it to Sekondi-Takoradi and other places; we have had complaints that some people are ready to return what they have. They are in individual homes, but you cannot go round searching everywhere,” he added.

Asked if he has been to the scene, he said: “I was there yesterday and we disposed of about 24 whole carcasses of dolphin and some other species”.

He added that some did not consider the magnitude of the incident – and others claimed that it was from God, as being a Sunday Christ had risen and their prayers been answered.

“We are more concerned about the food safety aspect. If it enters into the market it will be something else, because we are not sure if it has chemicals or not. Dolphins are one of the endangered species, and by the International Convention they are not supposed to be in trade,” he concluded.

Kako is a type of fish that is popular in the Ahanta and Wassa lands. In Sekondi-Takoradi some people call it ‘Ahanta meat’. It tastes good in palm-nut soup, palava sauce, garden eggs stew, and some kenkey and ‘fomfom’ (Ahanta Kenkey) vendors within Takoradi use it to prepare fish stew to sell – you would love it.