Boys To Men Voyage Club launched 

Founder of JSA & BTMVC, Ethel Adjorlolo Marfo

… seeks to empower and address developmental needs of young males

Junior Shapers Africa (JSA), the premier organization leading the ‘Raising Boys Right’ Advocacy in Africa, admitted its first batch of participants of Boys To Men Voyage Club (BTMVC) on Sunday, March 7, 2021 on Zoom Conferencing App.

BTMVC is personal development extra-curricular program designed to cater to the spiritual growth, social skills and emotional development of young boys between the ages of 7-17 to own their personal development and become responsible purpose driven men in future.

Boys who join the club will be empowered and trained by JSA till their 18th birthday and will be taken through different levels of the program each year to improve their character development. They will be equipped with skills, knowledge, ideas and resources enabling them to cultivate the right attitude and mindset to succeed in life and also increase their capacity to give back to society.

Boys who join the club will participate in a full year personal development program divided into three terms, running from March to September to be climaxed with a graduation and awards ceremony.

They will be coached in areas such as values & etiquette, Goal Setting, Leadership, Peace Building, Civic Education, Life Skills Acquisition, Purpose Discovery, Craft Mastery, Social Entrepreneurship, App Development, Basic Bookkeeping, Budgeting, Marketing & Selling Skills, Branding, Investment & Taxation, etc. under the theme: “Prioritizing My Personal Development for a Better Me, My Community & Future Generations”.

Club meetings and coaching sessions are scheduled to commence in March 2021 and will be held once a week on Sundays on video conferencing app Zoom with different sessions for different age groups (6-7 years, 8-12years and 13-17 years), 1 hour for each different session (4:00pm-5:00pm, 5:00pm – 6:00pm & 7:00pm to 8:00pm).

The sessions will be coached by JSA’s faculty of experienced resource persons who are well-trained to deliver coaching to children using a hands-on approach including presentations, videos, sharing of experiences etc., in a very simple to grasp and apply way.

Sessions will be engaging and interactive with 60% student involvement and 40% for the coach, thus providing adequate room for the children to communicate how they understand key concepts and come up with their own plans as to how they will apply what they learn.

Benefits of joining BTMVC:

Participants who join the club will receive free copies of the JSA Boys To Men Voyage Goals Setting Guide. They will have the opportunity to compete for the annual JSA Phenomenal Abrantie of the Year award after participation in the full year program and also gain other opportunities to meet, network and interact with positive male role models excelling in various sectors. They will also be taken on milestone recreational treats after every term and attend prestigious fairs to showcase skills and crafts.

They will gain coaching, grooming, and counselling to enable them become responsible men and fathers in society and also be able to practically apply values, and set S.M.A.R.T Goals for themselves while enhancing their communication and leadership skills.

Members who complete the program at 18 will have the opportunity to intern with a social impact project by JSA, an industrial internship and also be assisted to launch a social impact project of their choice to increase their employability and entrepreneurship skills.

Founder of JSA & BTMVC, Ethel Adjorlolo Marfo indicated that aside from formal education, 21st century boys also require value added education in this form to enable them improve their general well-being and to achieve their full potential as young men. This intervention by JSA seeks to promote better marriages, better family life and a gender equal society through positive masculine guidance by JSA coaches.