#SONA21: Ghana will experience economic rebound in 2021—President Akufo-Addo


President Akufo-Addo has stated that Ghana’s economy will see a rebound this year following the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The president, who delivered the State of the Nation Address in parliament today [9th March, 2021] said the growth will exceed forecasts suggesting that the country may experience a drop in growth rate.

“We expect GDP growth to rebound strongly this year to nearly 5 percent; above the IMF’s 2021 January projection of 3.2 percent for sub-Saharan Africa for 2021,” he said.

He observed that the country’s food resilience was severely tested in 2020 during the closure of borders, in the midst of the pandemic.

He maintained that the policies put in place by government in the agricultural sector help the country to sustain its food production during the pandemic.

“We have fared well under the circumstances, largely as a result of the bold policies implemented by Government since 2017, such as the programme for Planting for Food and Jobs, Rearing for Food and Jobs, the 1-Village-1-Dam initiative, 1-District-1-Warehouse policy, establishment of greenhouse villages, revitalisation of the cocoa rehabilitation programme, and the reactivation of our aquaculture industry. I am happy to inform the house that, during this period of the pandemic, we have experienced no food shortages in the country”.