The Corporate Poet with Stephen Ayettey: Integrity


My name is integrity

I am the foundation for prosperity

The long tree that bears success

As the fruits for the selfless

On the land of peace I do reside

Where trust walks by my side

My favour and my confidence

Gives me a great influence


To everyone I am honest and fair

My judgment is clear like the air

When it’s a chair I say it’s a chair

When it’s a table I say it’s a table

For me everyone is valuable


I can criticize and speak

For my reputation is not weak

On good morals I am an authority

I do come with my hands so clean

I am a pillar on which you can lean

Check from my records of old

My good name will come out bold


Whether I am being watched or not

When I am in darkness or in the light

I remain faithful and do what is right

I have no pleasure in eye service

And with no man I bear malice

A humble servant or a humble master

I still maintain a good character

At all times I show gratitude

With dedication in servitude

Because I have a good attitude


I speak out and my words are happy

They go and never come back ashamed

The words of my mouth are a wall clock

That moves consistently with my actions

My promises also do not fail

Yes, my name is integrity

The writer is a product of the University of Ghana. He is currently a banker, a poet and a story writer.


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