“Do not stand in a place of danger trusting in miracles.” – African Proverb
It is the last stretch home for the year. A year that broke open the kernel of uncertainty and also bolstered the adaptability of our humanity. It has been a year of misery and confusion. It has been a year of lessons; and many would theme it a life-changing one.
It has brought to the fore the fragility of life, and this simultaneously inspired a renewed sense of purpose in many individuals, sharpened analytical skills, and most critically invoked a desire to change the world for the better than ever before.
In a nutshell, the year has taught us the need for real growth, and not merely aging. It has made us aware that going through the process and being busy is not necessarily making progress.
Up until this year, many of us – swayed by the scientific innovations around us – had believed erroneously that the state of our humanity was the final destination of our becoming. It was a belief that reduced our understanding of change to the point where we held technology to be the only driver.
We were so confident we had ‘dominated’ nature, we barely thought something we could not see with our physical eyes could oppress us to re-think and conceive effecting positive modifications in our attitudes, lest the existence of society itself be endangered. We have witnessed the power of nature, and she has and continues to push us to revolutionise the way we work – all the while invoking an appreciation of our relationships.
As we close the chapter on this year, we are encouraged to appreciate that the things we did when life was on a roller-coaster are totally different from what we have to do now that life is in a bungee-jumping mode. We are in a free -fall and we need to grow, and grow really fast, in order to ensure we set goals that are for the people we will become when we finally land, instead of setting goals for the people we are right now. We cannot afford to be merely aging, whereby we go through the moments telling ourselves that when things get better we will bring out the best in ourselves. It is time to stop constructing tomorrow and to start living tomorrow. It is time to activate the growth mentality.
Life, as we have always known, is always advancing moment by moment toward a destination we cannot really foretell. It does not stop, and it will not stop its course for any group of people, any more than for any individuals. It has a mind of its own, and ours is to ensure we make the most out of every situation – living with attitudes that we would display in utopian situations. It is time for us to muster the courage to become who we really are.
At its core, we are to stop subscribing to stifling behavioural norms and the set-in-our-ways mode of doing things. In its stead, we are to engage our creative selves and marinate them in ethicality, so that our suggestions and solutions will be divine enough to allow all of our humanity to flourish. It is time to live the colourful attitudes we have boxed away, hoping to use them in the future. In fact, putting our best foot forward is the antidote to the stuffiness that has plagued the world.
It is time to grow. But unlike aging, growth is a tremendous responsibility. It is a process that is delicate, tedious, and often terrifying for those who dare to embark on it. But the reward of finding yourself is so fulfilling and meaningful there is not a single being who has ever had any regrets about that adventure.
Growth is a process of unlearning untruths and melting unethicality in order to free your mind to embrace truth, goodness and beauty. It is a process of understanding yourself in order to make modifications that will refine your personality and your perception. In growing, we get the garbage out and plant seeds that make and remake us into the best of ourselves. Growth is a process of self-invention and a reinvention of the self, with a focus on attitudes.
We all need is to grow. And it is not only to develop a resilience that empowers us to face uncertainties, unfazed; but it will enable us to demonstrate not only how far we have come, but also instil in us a desire to transform the current systems by giving them a little bit of life. We need to grow to consciously impact life to serve our ideals. Growing starts from realising that every single person you interact with is intelligent, dedicated and passionate about something life. It is a realisation that you have to collaborate with them in order to develop synergetic solutions which deepen our relationships and make them meaningful. This is a call of the coming year. Let us take the most honourable stance and grow…
Kodwo Brumpon is a management consultant and a life coach who inspires individuals, groups and corporate bodies to think and feel that which is true, and helps them to positively respond to that which is beautiful while nudging them to let goodness govern their actions. Comments, suggestions and requests should be sent to him at [email protected]