MedTech Chamber launches operations in Ghana


MedTech Chamber has launched its operations in Ghana with state-of-the-art medical equipment.

The company is known for its accurate diagnosis due to the efficient equipment deployed in its work.

Imagine having a medical laboratory test or X-ray results that is wrong, and your medical treatment is based on the “wrong” results.

Depending on the disease condition, a situation of such could result in death at worst and at best leave your bad medical condition unchanged.

The processes and procedures, as well as the devices, equipment and tools employed in supporting wellness, disease diagnosis and treatment is what MedTech (Medical Technology) is about.

An ineffective MedTech therefore is equivalent to an ineffective healthcare delivery.

MedTech (Medical technology) can be viewed through the devices, equipment and procedures and processes that are employed in the following:

  • Imaging: X-rays, MRIs, Ultrasound equipment
  • Chemistry and Microbiology: Laboratory Investigations of body systems
  • Information & Communication Technology: E-Health, including telemedicine etc

MedTech enable the early and accurate diagnosis of health problems, facilitating timely intervention and improving outcomes. It plays a major role in monitoring wellness, disease management and treatment.

MedTech also plays a pivotal role in Medical Science and Research, helping to deepen our understanding of diseases and also plan and project for improvement in treatment options and approaches.

Science in general and quality healthcare in particular will be difficult (if not impossible) to execute without MedTech.

As it were, an efficient and effective MedTech industry environment is imperative to support and national health policy agenda. This informs why MedTech as an industry is regulated at national level

As the saying goes A Healthy nation is a Wealthy nation.

On the personal healthcare level, many wellness and healthcare efforts are supported by Homecare MedTech devices such BP Monitors, Glucometers, etc. To optimize the benefits, derived from such devices, it is imperative that they always give correct readings. It is considering this that the regulators of MedTech including Food & Drugs Authority and Ghana Standards Authority strongly recommend calibrating Homecare devices such BP Monitors at appropriate regular intervals.

We all have our parts to play towards the building of a healthy Nation. As the saying goes, “A Healthy Nation is a Wealthy Nation”.

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