Vlisco trains trade partners on digital marketing


Vlisco Ghana has organized a two-day master class on digital marketing to help empower their retailers to expand their digital footprint and engage in e-commerce in response to growing online customers’ demand.

The course model trained the retailers on basic knowledge in social media, the strategic planning process, best practices in social media as well as a customized training on WhatsApp for Business. This training provided the retailers with the basic skills to recover from the economic devastation emanating from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking at the training, Reverend Stephen Badu, Marketing Director of Vlisco Ghana said: “there is no denying the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our business partners. We are committed to supporting them to get through these difficult times, and we believe that this masterclass will provide very useful tools, allowing them to establish a digital identity and presence in an easy and low-cost way. We shall continue to build their technical capacity while expanding their online visibility, especially in these difficult times.

The digital space and social media for that matter have been driving a lot of conversations around the world in recent times. People continue to turn to social media to share their experiences, information, and to make purchasing decisions. This training is to help our retailers target these people and reposition themselves to weave into the new normal successfully,” added, the Marketing Director.

On his part, Cecil Evans-Chinery, National Sales Director of Vlisco noted that social media has become a part of everyone’s life and it is something that influences their daily life. He advised the retailers to tap into the space to improve their business bottom line.

At the end of the training, the retailers opened Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp for business accounts.