My Hibiscus Tea, my cardiovascular health!

Photo: Dr. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu, RND, PhD 

Rebekah Edwards, 2018, was right to say that, Hibiscus Tea is the Antioxidant ‘Therapeutic Agent’ You Should Be Drinking.  The medical writer was also right to say that “C.S. Lewis may have been speaking directly to me when he said, “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” One of the teas that crosses my mind reading that is the powerfully beneficial hibiscus tea. Interesting, this goes beyond academic writing as I have seen the numerous benefits of hibiscus tea as well in my clinical practice in holistic medicine.

Hibiscus Tea beat Green Tea in Antioxidant potentials

Hibiscus Tea is one of those incredible, delicious teas that is high on the list of drinks to keep around the house, like matcha green tea and yerba mate. In a 2012 study by arvajal-Zarrabal et al hibiscus tea benefits are so numerous — the large amount of antioxidants found in this beverage earn it the status of a “therapeutic agent” for a number of issues, according to this study published in the Journal of Experimental Pharmacology.

Scientific Studies on Hibiscus Tea

  1. Lowers Blood Pressure

Using hibiscus as a treatment modality for lowering blood pressure has been fairly well studied.  In 1999, a study by Faraji, et al demonstrates that when compared to drinking regular tea, research shows that hibiscus tea lowered systolic blood pressure (SBP) by 11.2% and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) by 10.8%, while regular tea drinkers only had a 4% decrease is SBP and a 3.6% decrease in DBP.

And even more impressively, this significant decrease in blood pressure from hibiscus occurred after only twelve days of drinking tea! Dr. Josh Axe has added hibiscus Tea to foods that lower blood pressure to his list to be accessed at Hibiscus tea makes that list with glowing reviews. Several studies have found it to lower blood pressure significantly, even in patients with certain health conditions that increase the risk of high blood pressure.

A 2013 review conducted by Hopkins et al at the University of Arizona revealed that hibiscus tea is used in 10 or more countries as normal treatment for hypertension without any reported adverse events or side effects — except in extremely high doses. The study led these researchers to state that “extracts of [hibiscus] are promising as a treatment of hypertension.” They did point out, however, that high-quality studies (known in the scientific community as the “gold standard”) are needed to see the specific interactions of hibiscus tea on high blood pressure.

McKay et al 2009 is of the view that hibiscus tea can lower blood pressure in prehypertensive and mildly hypertensive animal and human models. Also, Serban et al 2015 meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials   demonstrates a significant effect of Hibiscus Tea in lowering both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure with 95% confidence interval. Further well designed trials are necessary to validate these results. Hibiscus Tea drinking is not only limited to lowering blood pressure but  these results extend to diabetic patients.

Hibiscus Tea also beat Black Tea for blood Pressure lowering

In 2009, Mozaffari-Khosravi et al study compares the antihypertensive effectiveness of sour tea (ST; Hibiscus sabdariffa) with black tea (BT) infusion in diabetic patients, this double-blind randomized controlled trial was carried out. Sixty diabetic patients with mild hypertension, without taking antihypertensive or antihyperlipidaemic medicines, were recruited in the study.

The patients were randomly allocated to the hibiscus Tea and Black Tea groups and instructed to drink hibiscus Tea and Black Tea infusions two times a day for 1 month. Their blood pressure (BP) was measured on days 0, 15 and 30 of the study. The mean of systolic BP (SBP) in the hibiscus Tea group decreased from 134.4+/-11.8 mm Hg at the beginning of the study to 112.7+/-5.7 mm Hg after 1 month (P-value <0.001), whereas this measure changed from 118.6+/-14.9 to 127.3+/-8.7 mm Hg (P-value=0.002) in the Black Tea group during the same period.

The intervention had no statistically significant effect on the mean of diastolic BP (DBP) in either the ST or BT Group. The mean pulse pressure (PP) of the patients in the hibiscus Tea group decreased from 52.2+/-12.2 to 34.5+/-9.3 mm Hg (P-value <0.001) during the study, whereas in the Black Tea group, it increased from 41.9+/-11.7 to 47.3+/-9.6 mm Hg (P-value=0.01). In conclusion, consuming hibiscus Tea had positive effects on Blood pressure in type II diabetic patients with mild hypertension. This study supports the results of similar studies in which antihypertensive effects have been shown for hibiscus Tea.

Hibiscus Tea also beat Green Tea for blood pressure lowering

Interesting, Hibiscus Tea also proved that, no other tea is superior in lowering blood pressure. A study in 2013 by Mozaffari-Khosravi et al demonstrates that the therapeutic effectiveness of Hibiscus Tea and Green Tea drinking by the end of intervention was 43.5% in the hibiscus Tea group and 39.6% in the Green Tea compared to the beginning.

The aim of this study was to compare the effect of sour tea and green tea on mildly hypertensive patients with diabetes. The study was a randomized clinical trial in which 100 mildly hypertensive patients with diabetes were randomly assigned into sour tea group (ST) and green tea group (GT).

They were instructed to drink sour tea and green tea infusion, respectively, three times a day 2 hr after each meal for 4 weeks. The participants’ blood pressure was measured at days 1, 15, and at the end of study. The systolic pressure of both groups statistically decreased at the end of the study; it decreased from 123.1 ± 15.5 to 116.8 ± 16.3 mmHg in the Hibiscus Tea group and from 119.4 ± 15.1 to 114.8 ± 15.9 mmHg in the Green Tea group.

The diastolic pressure of both groups statistically decreased by the end of the study; it decreased from 79.4 ± 11.1 to 74.5 ± 9.3 mmHg in the hibiscus Tea group and from 78.9 ± 8.3 to 75.3 ± 7.7 mmHg in the Green Tea group.  Interesting, in general, after about four weeks, researchers conducting multiple trials have found that blood pressure is positively impacted by daily drinking hibiscus tea in these studies. The two study specifically mentions three glasses of tea each day as the chosen dosage.

Hibiscus Tea also beat conventional drugs for lowering blood Pressure.

A study in Nigeria discovered hibiscus tea to be more effective than hydrochlorothiazide, a common blood-pressure lowering medication, at decreasing blood pressure. The most significant finding was that hibiscus tea, unlike its study counterpart, hydrochlorothiazide, did not cause electrolyte imbalance.

The study conducted by Nwachukwu  et al 2015 aims to investigate the effect of Hibiscus Tea consumption on blood pressure (BP) and electrolytes of mild to moderate hypertensive Nigerians and compare it with that of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), a diuretic widely used as first-line antihypertensive drug in the conventional medicine circle.

In this study, eighty newly diagnosed, but untreated mild to moderate hypertensive subjects attending Medical Out-Patients clinic of Enugu State University Teaching Hospital, Enugu, were recruited for the study. They were randomly divided into three groups: A, B and C. Those in Groups A were given placebo; those in Group B took HCTZ while those in Group C were given Hibiscus Tea. Treatment lasted for 4 weeks. BP, serum, and urine electrolytes were measured at baseline, weekly during treatment and 1 week after withdrawal of treatment.

This result appears very interesting as at the end of treatment, both HCTZ (Conventional drug) and Hibiscus Tea (Natural medicine drug) significantly (P < 0.001) reduced systolic BP, diastolic BP, mean arterial pressure and serum Na+ compared to placebo. When compared to each other, HCTZ significantly (P < 0.001) reduced serum Na+ and Cl− compared to Hibiscus Tea and significantly (P < 0.001) increased K+ and Cl− output in urine.

After withdrawal of treatment, the fall in BP and serum Na+ in HS group were significant compared to HCTZ where they returned to baseline values. No side effect was reported during the study.  The study had this to say: “Hibiscus Tea (Natural medicine drug) was a more effective antihypertensive agent than HCTZ (conventional medicine drug) in mild to moderate hypertensive Nigerians and did not cause electrolyte imbalance. Hibiscus Tea showed longer duration of action compared to HCTZ and reduction in serum Na+ may be another antihypertensive mechanism of action of Hibiscus Tea”.

This Nigeria study appears really interesting as the researchers are affiliated to the following conventional medical institutions:

  1. Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of, Enugu Campus, Enugu, Nigeria
  2. Department of Medicine, Enugu State University Teaching Hospital, Parklane, Enugu, Nigeria
  • Department of Ophthalmology, University of Teaching Hospital, Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu, Nigeria
  1. Department of Physiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
  2. Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of , Enugu Campus,Parklane, Enugu, Nigeria

Maybe, you still wondering? Another study by Herrera-Arellano et al 2004, titled “Effectiveness and tolerability of a standardized extract from Hibiscus sabdariffa in patients with mild to moderate hypertension: a controlled and randomized clinical trial” studied head to head with one of the most common pharmaceutical interventions for the treatment of hypertension, Captopril, an ACE inhibitor.

In this study, individuals were either given daily hibiscus tea or 25 mg of Captopril twice per day. The results showed that the hibiscus tea and the Captopril had no significant difference in hypotensive effects, meaning that both the standard pharmaceutical and the hibiscus tea worked equally well in lowering the participants’ blood pressure!

A 2015 study conducted by Soleimani et al also evaluate effect of sour tea pill containing the herb’s extract versus captopril on the treatment of hypertension. The crossover clinical trial of 20 patients were enrolled in the study and advised for life style modification.  The participants were randomly divided into 2 groups.

Hibiscus tea pills were prescribed at a dose of 500 mg and captopril at a dose of 12.5 mg twice daily. The authors had this to say: “According to the effect of sour tea pill on decreasing blood pressure, without giving priority over captopril, sour tea pill containing the herb’s extract can be prescribed as an adjuvant therapy for lowering the prescribed dosage of captopril”. No side effect was observed in the sour tea pill group in the study.

Can Hibiscus Tea be combine with conventional hypertensive drugs?

Nurfaradilla et al 2019 recently answered this question as some studies have shown that coadministration with a conventional antihypertensive drug can affect drug potency. In the study which compared the effects of Hibiscus Tea and captopril (CAP) coadministration to Hibiscus Tea and captopril (CAP) administration alone on blood pressure and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) biomarkers in the rat two-kidney-one-clip (2K1C) model of hypertension.

The study result demonstrate that blood pressure was significantly reduced by all the drug treatments (Hibiscus Tea and captopril). This is what they had to say: “Hibiscus sabdariffa aqueous extract alone can reduce blood pressure. This extract appears could be used as a supplement with captopril but may not provide any additional benefit”. In a more 2020 study, Nurfaradilla et al took a different perspective and indicated that coadministration of H. sabdariffa L. aqueous extract could change the pharmacokinetic profile of captopril; therefore, its coadministration should be avoided.

  1. Healthy Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Do not think that blood pressure is the only condition hibiscus has effect on. it isn’t the only heart disease risk factor for which hibiscus tea benefits you. It may also help people with dyslipidemia manage their cholesterol and high triglycerides. These two heart disease risk factors are part of the greater bunch of symptoms known as metabolic syndrome, which also points to an elevated risk of diabetes and stroke.

Gurrola-Díaz et al 2010 study recommend the use of hibiscus extracts to naturally lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in patients with metabolic syndrome.  Hibiscus tea’s capacity to reduce high “blood lipids” also prolongs to those with diabetes. A 2009 study conducted by Mozaffari-Khosravi et al had diabetes patients consume hibiscus tea twice a day for a month and found a significant increase in HDL (“good”) cholesterol and decrease in overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and triglycerides.

  1. Averts Oxidative Stress

Hibiscus is power pack with  antioxidants that fight free radical damage triggers by poor diet and constant exposure to dangerous chemicals. Wang et al 2000 study found mainly in the anthocyanins of the plant, the natural pigments that give this flower its red color, as shown in rat models.

A 2012 Frank et al small human research study discovered that supplementing with hibiscus tea increased antioxidant load in the bloodstream and reduced compounds that can contribute to oxidative stress that damages cells. Because subjects had elevated amounts of hippuric acid, the conclusion of the study suggests that the polyphenols (antioxidants) of hibiscus must have been significantly transformed by the gut microbiome.

Though, both green tea and hibiscus tea are among the top drinks for prostate health. Both types of tea contain potent antioxidants. Studies show that green tea can help prevent prostate cancer from forming and may also slow the growth of aggressive prostate cancer. Studies show that green tea can also benefit men with BPH and prostatitis.

However, there is a new twist in recent study in antioxidant abilities in these two teas. After analyzing 283 different beverages, Carlsen et al 2010 study demonstrates that hibiscus tea beat matcha green tea when it came to antioxidant content. While green tea is still a very good beverage choice for antioxidants, hibiscus tea tops the list. Within an hour of consumption, the antioxidant power of your bloodstream shoots up as the tea’s antioxidant phytonutrients are absorbed into your system  per the recent study.

Hibiscus on the Prostate?

It is important to choose caffeine-free sources of tea, though. Caffeine can irritate both the prostate and the bladder. A study found that men who consumed 234 mg or more of caffeine each day were 72 percent more likely to experience urinary incontinence compared to men who drank the least amount of caffeine. If you have urinary or pain symptoms due to prostatitis, caffeine can make these symptoms worse. If you have BPH or prostatitis, make an effort to reduce your caffeine intake by cutting back on coffee, soda or energy drinks. Avoiding caffeine can make a big difference in your urinary health and Hibiscus Tea is caffeine free and as well your sure bet for prostate health.

Hibiscus Tea and Erectile dysfunction

Remember that erections are all about your arteries – nitric oxide in your arteries and nice low blood pressure levels (which indicates higher blood flow):

  1. Increased eNOS Activity and Nitric Oxide. We get most of our arterial nitric oxide from the endothelium and this is governed by the eNOS enzyme. It turns out that the polyphenols in hibiscus tea activate this enzyme and cause your endothelium to produce more nitric oxide. one of the big tests for any possible NO-increasing compounds is whether or not it can produce big drops in blood pressure.  In this article I have reviewed research papers on this and hibiscus tea is your deal.
  2. Endothelial Function: this formula explains this; Erectile function = Endothelial function.
    The endothelium is the thin layer of cells on the inside of your arteries that are responsible for controlling their expansion and contraction and the nitric oxide that governs the process. Researchers refer to this ability to relax the arteries as “endothelial function,” and, generally speaking, endothelial function governs how well and how fast your erections are. (There are exceptions, of course, as low dopamine, venous leakage and other systems can negatively impact erections as well.) In any event, you can probably guess where I am headed: hibiscus tea has been shown to significantly help with endothelial function:


“Diuresis and inhibition of the angiotensin I-converting enzyme were found to be less important mechanisms than those related to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and endothelium-dependent effects to explain the beneficial actions. Notably, polyphenols induced a favorable endothelial response that should be considered in the management of metabolic cardiovascular risks.” Notice that these researchers boldly told physicians to consider using hibiscus in their practices. But how many physicians actually consider natural solutions to chronic disease, even though 99% of the time, chronic disease results from unnatural lifestyles? Again, an improvement in endothelial function will help the solid majority of men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. This is especially true if coupled with a high nitric oxide-based lifestyle.

  1. Displays Promise in Fighting Certain Cancers

Yes! This is due to the antioxidants in hibiscus tea, it has been the subject of some introductory cancer research. While, like most natural cancer treatment research, this idea is in its infancy, there is some evidence to support hibiscus tea’s anticancer power. In a lab, a study conducted by Tseng et al 2000, Chang et al 2004 demonstrates that hibiscus extracts cause apoptosis (cell death) in leukemia cells.

Though, we are yet to get the mechanisms behind this, this could be a promising step in the fight against leukemia, which affects about a quarter of the children and adolescents currently living with cancer. Lin et al 2005 study also supports this research. The same results seem to occur when eight different kinds of gastric carcinoma cells are exposed to hibiscus tea extract, according to research conducted at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at Chung Shan Medical University in Taiwan.

  1. Lessens Obesity and Related Risks

Carvajal-Zarrabal et al 2015 study proves that while those antioxidants are working to protect your cells, those and other compounds found in hibiscus have the potential to encourage weight loss and minimize other related risks, as shown in research on rats.  In 2007, Human and animal studies have found a link between hibiscus tea and an increased metabolism. Hibiscus extract may even inhibit you from absorbing as much starch and sucrose as you might from a typical meal (Alarcon-Aguilar et al, Preuss et al).

A study by Pérez-Torres et al 2013 demonstrates that drinking hibiscus tea at least once a day may also help you fight insulin resistance, a common marker of prediabetes and various other conditions. In fact, it can even help in maintaining healthy blood sugar in diabetes patients, which means it may help reduce every symptom in the metabolic syndrome cluster.

Another disease connected to obesity (and diet) is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This disease is identified as a buildup of extra fat cells within the liver, not caused by alcohol use. Commonly understood causes of NAFLD include obesity, poor eating habits, diabetes and dyslipidemia.  In both animals and humans, studies by (Chang et al 2014 and Yin et al 2011) have shown hibiscus tea benefits the liver by reducing the risk of this fatty buildup, which can potentially lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer or liver failure if left untreated.

  1. Natural Antidepressant

For those at risk of depression, then, you may want to consider trying hibiscus tea as one natural way to combat these sometimes debilitating signs of depression, such as fatigue, feelings of hopelessness, loss of interest in hobbies and more. Hibiscus Tea research in this area  is a brand new, but animal studies conducted by Shewale et al 2011, Vanzella et al 2011) examine the improvement in depression symptoms have found that hibiscus flowers have specific bioflavonoids that might help as one natural remedy for depression.

  1. Possible Staph Infection Remedy

Arullappan et al 2009 study demonstrates that hibiscus displays antibacterial power, too. The lab study has found that extracts of Hibiscus rosa sinensis, a less common but still useful hibiscus plant sometimes used to make tea, might have serious MRSA-killing potential. MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), is a bacteria that causes over 90,000 staph infections in the U.S. each year. A type of bacteria that contributes to infections of the skin, connective tissue, and sometimes bones, heart and blood vessels. Prevention and treatment of staph infection are vital, as they are linked to serious problems like abscesses, sepsis and pneumonia.

  1. Stop Kidney Stones

Hibiscus Tea functions as a diuretic, due to this, it also turned the heads of those studying the health of the kidney and urinary systems. A study by Laikangbam et al 2012, suggests that hibiscus tea grants what is known as an “anti-urolithiatic property,” meaning that it may lower the instance of compounds that form kidney stones.

What Is Hibiscus Tea?

From research, there are a variety of types of hibiscus used for tea, but the most common is the Hibiscus sabdariffa L. species. These flowers are deep red in color. Some people also use Hibiscus rosa sinensis, which is what many people think of when they hear “hibiscus,” a broad-petaled flower that comes in a range of colors. Traditional hibiscus tea is made from dried parts of the hibiscus plant, most often the calyx, or the protective layer around the actual flower part of the plant. glass of hibiscus tea contains no calories and a few trace minerals (before sweeteners are added), but not a significant amount of any nutrient to break the 1 percent threshold of what you need each day. Hibiscus tea pairs well with raw honey as a natural sweetener.

Risks and Possible Side Effects

There are some minor side effects and risks to consider when drinking hibiscus tea. Hibiscus tea is toxic to the liver in extremely high doses. Toxicity was seen at such high doses, however, that it would probably be difficult to consume that much in tea form. Fakeye et al 2009, recommend three to four eight-ounce glasses of hibiscus tea daily, which seems like a reasonable amount to avoid adverse effects. Besides, Hibiscus Tea in a medicinal form like the Nyarkotey Hibiscus Tea formulated by Dr. Nyarkotey is based on science and research as you can see it yourself and approved by the FDA for cardiovascular Health and Wellness has gone through the toxicity studies at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana, and is safe for consumption.

The Lab study conducted in Ghana on efficacy showed the product Dr. Nyarkotey Tea produced dose-dependent reduction in the arterial blood pressure of the anaesthetized cat comparable to acetylcholine. The depressor effects of acetylcholine and Dr. Nyarkotey Herbal tea on the blood pressure of the anaesthetized cat were inhibited by 72.3+5.21% and 55.6 + 6.82% respectively, suggestive of muscarinic mediation.

The remarks states that, as per the findings, Dr. Nyarkotey Herbal Tea has hypotension effect and hence could be used in the management of hypertension. The No-Observable-Adverse-Effect level (OAEL) is greater than five times the stated daily dosage (7.0ml/kg) indicated by the manufacturer. All my products I have formulated are based on extensive research and science and have hibiscus sabdariffa as my base ingredient.

The only great concern is the potential effect hibiscus tea has on pregnant women. Pregnant women should never drink hibiscus tea or take hibiscus products, as it can cause “emmenagogue effects.” This means it can induce menstruation. So the Women’s Formula Tea I formulated for women wellness has a warning on this.  While this could potentially be helpful to women with irregular periods — although this has never been studied — it also means that pregnant women drinking hibiscus tea could experience premature labor according to Ernst , 2003. Normally, it’s not known whether or not hibiscus tea is safe for nursing mothers, who should also avoid drinking it until they discontinue nursing. If you are pregnant, be aware that hibiscus may be on a label under “rose of Sharon” or “althea.” Says  Rebekah Edwards, 2018.


Many countries use hibiscus tea in their traditional practices to treat a variety of illnesses. In traditional Chinese medicine, hibiscus leaves are used to topically treat herpes zoster, also known as shingles or a recurrence of chickenpox.  In the book “Edible and Medicinal Flowers,” author Margaret Roberts even suggests that hibiscus tea sweetened with honey is an excellent hangover remedy.

Precautions and Interactions

It is possible for hibiscus tea to interact with certain medications. For example, do not drink hibiscus while you are taking blood-pressure lowering medication unless expressly instructed to and monitored by your physician, as it may lower your blood pressure to dangerous levels.

A study by Johnson et al 2013 states that hibiscus can inhibit the actions of some medications that use what are called Cytochrome P450 enzymes, so see a doctor before beginning to drink hibiscus tea to ensure it will not interact negatively with any current prescriptions you may have.  Patients on diabetes medications should probably also avoid hibiscus tea, as it can lower blood sugar levels and increase the effect of blood sugar-lowering medicine. Hibiscus tea may impact the way your body metabolizes acetaminophen, although it’s not clear how significant this risk is. And, again, pregnant or nursing mothers should never drink hibiscus tea or take hibiscus-containing supplements.

Take Home:

  1. From the studies, hibiscus Tea can act as a diuretic, ACE inhibitor, calcium channel blockers and many more from natural pharmacy perspective.
  2. Hibiscus Tea is in the same standard as compared to conventional drugs for lowering blood pressure from research studies (Herrera-Arellano et al 2004, Nwachukwu et al 2015, Soleimani et al 2015 , Nurfaradilla et al 2019 and Nurfaradilla et al 2020)
  • Hibiscus Tea tops all teas for health issues (Carlsen et 2010)
  1. The fact that hibiscus is just as effective as an ACE inhibitor in lowering blood pressure is staggering. Considering the prevalence of high blood pressure and the health conditions associated with hypertension, we should all be utilizing the benefits of hibiscus. And the truth is, the benefits of this incredible flower extend far beyond their hypotensive effect.
  2. Other benefits of hibiscus include the treatment of dyslipidemia, anti-cancer effects, and treatment inflammatory diseases of the liver and kidney according to Riaz et al 2018.
  3. A loss in erectile strength is the result. Hibiscus can also help treat ED by lowering blood pressure. … As a result, not enough blood flows to the penis needed to get and maintain erections. By effectively lowering blood pressure with hibiscus tea you can expect to see an improvement in your erectile function.
  • The most well-known benefit of hibiscus tea is its ability to lower high blood pressure, which has been noted in several scientific studies.
  • It is likely that it may also help to lower high triglycerides, cholesterol and blood sugar, as well as aid in managing healthy weight and preventing liver disease.
  1. Because it is rich in antioxidants, hibiscus extracts have been studied for their effects on cancer and found in a lab setting to cause cell death in leukemia and gastric cancer cells.
  2. Hibiscus tea is also being studied for its potential impacts on depression, MRSA and kidney stones.
  3. In extremely high doses, it can be toxic to the liver.
  • Pregnant women should never consume hibiscus products, including tea, as they could prematurely induce labor.
  • Hibiscus tea interacts with some medications, so consult with your physician before drinking hibiscus tea if you are taking any prescription medication.
  • Nyarkotey Hibiscus Tea is a well formulated good brand to consider based on science and research for cardiovascular Health and wellness. All my natural drugs formulated has hibiscus as the base for the formulation.
  1. Lab study conducted at KNUST on Nyarkotey Hibiscus Tea on efficacy showed the product Dr. Nyarkotey Herbal Tea produced dose-dependent reduction in the arterial blood pressure of the anaesthetized cat comparable to acetylcholine. The depressor effects of acetylcholine and Dr. Nyarkotey Herbal tea on the blood pressure of the anaesthetized cat were inhibited by 72.3+5.21% and 55.6 + 6.82% respectively, suggestive of muscarinic mediation. The remarks states that, as per the findings, Dr. Nyarkotey Herbal Tea has hypotension effect and hence could be used in the management of hypertension. The No-Observable-Adverse-Effect level (OAEL) is greater than five times the stated daily dosage (7.0ml/kg) indicated by the manufacturer.

DISCLAIMER This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnosis and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition.

NB: The writer is on a mission to provide you and your family with the highest quality nutrition tips, scientific herbs and healthy recipes in the world.

The writer is an honorary Professor of Holistic Medicine-Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, Ukraine, president, Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine and currently, LLB law/MBA Student. He is the formulator of FDA approved Nyarkotey Hibiscus Tea for Cardiovascular Support and wellness, Men’s Formula for Prostate Health and Women’s Formula for wellness. Contact: 0241083423/0541234556



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