Upstream Petroleum Chamber calls on Petroleum Commission

Mr.Faibille at the head of the table. To his right is the Chamber CEO,Mr Ampofo”.

The Ghana Upstream Petroleum Chamber has called on the Chief Executive Officer of the Petroleum Commission and his management team to present a position paper on the relationship between the PC as a regulator and the Upstream Petroleum Companies.

Presenting the paper, the CEO of the Upstream Petroleum Chamber, David Ampofo said “our advocacy is informed first by research work and documentation of the issues at stake. I think there is room for increased collaboration between the PC and our member companies”.

They exchanged ideas on ways to address the present challenges facing the industry as well as how best to collaborate.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Petroleum Commission, Mr. Egbert Faibille said “Petroleum Commission’s doors are always open to the Chamber to discuss issues and find possible solutions that are mutually beneficial to all parties.”

He agreed that it was necessary for the Regulator and Member Companies to work together in order for the industry to thrive.

Mr.  Ampofo thanked the Petroleum Commission for their time and participation in putting together the Position Paper to serve as a basis for frank conversations to be held.

He also recommended routine engagements between the parties in order to sustain the momentum and work to ensure an improved working relationship between the Regulator and Member Companies.

The parties agreed to consider the putting together of a joint working group to discuss the findings and possible solutions.