Focus on positives, pursue survival not profits in these times – entrepreneurs urged


The National President of Ghana Psychological Association, Collins Badu Agyeman, has urged entrepreneurs to focus on the positives of the outbreak of COVID-19 and device measures to keep their operation ongoing to be able to survive the scourge of the pandemic.

According to him, almost all entrepreneurs are likely to feel the brunt of the pandemic but can only stay relevant if emphasis is put on survival than profit.

For him, many entrepreneurs have been hit with a reality shock in their business journey and the only way to jump that heddle is mental fortitude that is focused on executing solutions in the face of adversities.

“The sudden onset and drastic spread of COVID-19 has had quite a huge impact on all areas of life particularly the working field. There is evidence globally that the virus has caused mental health decline among many people, as well as causing mental health challenges for most entrepreneurs,” Mr. Badu Agyeman said.

He made these remarks at Kosmos Innovation Center’s maiden Psychosocial Support Webinar on the theme, Entrepreneurship and COVID-19: ‘Mental Fortitude for Entrepreneurs during a Pandemic’.

He intimated that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and considering its impact on businesses, most entrepreneurs are likely to suffer from what he termed, Entrepreneurs’ Reality Shock, which he describes as difficulties resulting from unexpected occurrences such as natural disasters like pandemics.

He added that, the virus has caused entrepreneurs to either permanently or temporary close down their businesses, lose regular clientele and funds, disrupt business operations and processes among others but the situation can be reversed quickly depending on the mental fortitude of the entrepreneur and government must help to offer or expand psychological services in these difficult times.

According to him, on a personal level, in order for entrepreneurs to properly deal with the work-life crisis and optimise performances during the period of the pandemic, they ought to endeavor to commit themselves to strengthening the mind daily and to cognitively reappraise the down moments. These, he said, can be facilitated with the aid of a psychologists of a psychological programme.

He believes that “taking control of this unexpected situation and remaining mentally strong should be a daily commitment” adding that mental health is as important as physical health, hence if not prioritized can affect one’s being. For him, how well entrepreneurs would manage the effect of the pandemic on their operation will determine how far they are ready to go with the enterprise.

He recommended entrepreneurs take time off their busy schedules to have adequate sleep so as to safeguard their mental health.