COTVET, Makeup Ghana outdoor curriculum, certification for makeup artistry

Rebecca Donkor

As part of efforts to standardize the training and certification of practitioners in the Colour Cosmetics Industry, the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) in collaboration with Makeup Ghana has developed two Competency-Based Training (CBT) training packages at levels three and four of National TVET Qualification Framework (NTVETQF) for the Makeup Artistry.

Currently, the makeup industry does not have any CBT programme dedicated solely to the training of its practitioners. This has forced makeup artists to either practice their art and craft-based on individual experience and standards or enroll in programmes which have a very minor focus on Makeup Artistry. The industry collectively clamoured for standardization in training and practice.,

In pursuit of this agenda, the regulatory agency for the TVET sector COTVET, gave technical assistance to Makeup Ghana with funding support from Skills Development Fund Phase two to develop accredited Makeup Artistry Programmes.

A curriculum development team consisting of experts from the beauty industry, Makeup Ghana, training providers and COTVET worked together under the National TVET Qualifications Framework (NTVETQF) and Ghana harmonized CBT approach.

Curriculum development which was completed this August, Level 3 (National Certificate 1) and Level 4 (National Certificate 2) in makeup artistry have since been registered on the National TVET qualifications framework and will be out doored collaboratively by Makeup Ghana and COTVET on November 13th, 2020 and will be available to all training institutions for the training and certification of practitioners nationwide.

Rebecca Donkor, CEO of Makeup Ghana believes these two Accredited Competency-Based Training Programs have a huge impact on the industry.

“It was time to bring sanity in the industry and Makeup Ghana decided to champion this to show leadership as the Industry Advocate for Beauty. Existing practitioners can regularize their accreditation to be compliant with the laws of Ghana. New Trainees can ensure the vocational programs they register for will lead to proper accreditation. Consumers can verify which Makeup Artists working on their faces are well-trained and accredited. Sanity can now prevail across the industry.”

Dr. Fred Kyei Asamoah is delighted and proud of this major achievement during his tenure as the Executive Director of COTVET. “As part of our five-year TVET strategic plan, it is envisioned that by 2022, all TVET institutions will be using CBT curriculums for instruction and these two accredited training packages will be part of the many programmes we are developing to ensure quality in TVET training is achieved.”