Labour Commission directs GCNet workers to call off strike

Credit: GhanaWeb

The National Labour Commission (NLC), has directed striking workers of Ghana Community Network Service Limited (GCNet) to call off their strike with immediate effect.

According to the Commission, the strike by the workers is in violation of the Labour Act, and should therefore be called off.

In addition, the Commission’s directive signed by Dr Bernice Welbeck, Director of Administration, ordered the workers to appear before it on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, to hear their concerns.

The NLC directive, in a letter, addressed jointly to the workers and the management and, dated Friday, October 9, 2020, follows a complaint filed by the management of GCNet to protest the action by the 50 remaining workers who laid down their tools in solidarity with about 100 workers who have been affected by the company’s ongoing redundancy exercise.

Differences over the procedures for the payment of redundancy packages led the management and the Staff Welfare Association to arbitration at the NLC, in which the arbitral award favoured the association.

But the management is challenging the award in court on the conviction that the three-member panel overlooked its submission regarding the incapacity of the association which is not a registered union body and has no bargaining certificate to represent the workers.

While the laid-off workers continue to agitate for the payment of their severance package, those remaining in employment started a sit-down strike in solidarity with their colleagues sent home.

But the Labour Commission deems the action by the workers, which has affected operations in various agencies such as the Registrar General‘s Department, as inappropriate.

The management of the company, which has indicated its intention to pay the redundancy packages, but on a legitimate basis, declared redundancy after the government abrogated its trade facilitation services effective May 1, 2020.