Goal-setting: Staying on track with your goals

Nana Akua Frimpomaa Amofa

The Millennial’s Corner with Miss Amofa

Happy new month and welcome to the last quarter of 2020. This year promised to be an exciting year particularly because it was the start of a new decade. We made lots of resolutions, plans and goals for the year. Unfortunately, this year didn’t quite turn out as we envisioned it. Just when we were trying to focus on our plans and make our dreams work, we were hit with a global pandemic that has affected us in more ways than one. Many of us have written off 2020 entirely but I believe we can make something out of the remaining 90 days.

Goal-setting is crucial to our personal and career development. For me, this period is a time for reflection and assessment of the goals I set at the beginning of the year. During this period, I take stock of my goals, progress made so far and what I intend to do differently to achieve my objectives. It’s not too late to make some progress on our 2020 goals. Here are eight ways we can stay on track with our goals as the year comes to an end:

  1. Re-evaluate your goals

Goal-setting requires that you map out what you intend to achieve by narrowing them down into SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely goals). Re-evaluate your goals and examine which ones you can still achieve based on the resources you have at the moment. Develop a realistic framework or plan that will help you achieve the set goals. This will help you assess progress and evaluate what needs to be done differently.

  1. Set priorities 

Certain things have taken up space for what’s needed so we’ve lost focus on the important things. Setting priorities helps us to focus on what is important in order of priority or urgency. Drawing up a to-do list and executing them accordingly helps us to keep track of our goals.

We definitely have valid reasons why we can’t follow through with some of our goals but a step at a time can make a whole lot of difference. As Robin Sharma puts it, “Small, daily, seemingly insignificant improvements when done consistently overtime, yield staggering results.” From now till the end of 2020, make a commitment to do something daily towards the accomplishments of your goals. One step is what makes the difference.

  1. Keep it in focus

Distractions can make us lose sight of what we intend to achieve. You need to focus on where you are going, what you need, and what you want to achieve. Keeping your goals in mind will help you to leverage on relevant opportunities that can help you to achieve your goals.

  1. Set values and standards 

Setting values, standards and boundaries can help us to focus on important things. Discipline is one of the most important principles we need in our lives. The ability to be able to tick off our plans and make certain sacrifices requires a certain level of discipline.

When we are not guided by principles, everything becomes acceptable and convenient for us. Train yourself to do the needed things even when you don’t feel like. Values like discipline and consistency can help you achieve your set targets.

  1. Get an accountability partner

Having an accountability partner helps you to account for progress with respect to your goals. This person should be able to keep you in check and push you towards your goals.

  1. Build a valuable network

It is said that we are the average of the 5 people we spend time with. When you identify what you want to do, find people who are excelling in that area and learn from them. Be open to learning new things. In order to achieve your goals, you need to be in the midst of people who will push you and challenge you to be better. Network with like-minded people and find out how they have been to achieve their goals.

  1. Collaborate

Collaboration is noted as one of the effective ways of achieving goals. There’s a limit to what we can do. As a business owner, you need a team that can help you achieve your goals. Bring on board people who have the relevant skillset to support you so you can have time to focus on your priority list.

This year has been very challenging for all of us and following through with our goals might seem like a hard process. Nonetheless, this shouldn’t prevent us from pushing. Take stock, celebrate your wins and work towards achieving the rest of your goals. Imagine what will happen if we decide to focus the next three months on our goals. There are 90 more days to make a difference.

>>>Nana Akua Frimpomaa Amofa is a Writer and Creative Lead of Scripted Impressions, a creative consulting agency that helps individuals and brands tell their stories. She works as Senior Editor at El-Evangel Publications. Her work involves content development, strategy and review of publications. She’s also part of the review team of My Story Magazine, an entrepreneurial resource magazine. Connect with Nana Akua via Instagram/Twitter: @missamofa, LinkedIn: Nana Akua Frimpomaa Amofa, Email: [email protected]