Parsley fights prostate cancer & supply nutrients for the kidneys and liver


The scientific name for Parsley is petroselinum crispum, and is a species of Petroselinum, a member of the family of Apiaceae plants. Other plants in the Apiaceae family include carrots etc. Parsley seed essential oil, just as the name suggests is extracted from the dried seeds of the Parsley plant through steam distillation method.

Ayurveda  has recorded the effects of Parsley herb and its essential oil as a powerful diuretic without leading to any drying out of the body. The healing effects of Parsley seed essential oil are antiseptic, diuretic, anti-arthritic, anti-rheumatic, astringent, digestive, stomachic, tonic, carminative, emmenagogue, laxative, hypotensive, uterine, stimulant, febrifuge, detoxifying and antimicrobial.

According to Jillian Levy, CHHC, 2019, parsley is originally native to the central Mediterranean region, where even today it’s still the highlight of many of the area’s regional recipes.

Parsley herb and parsley essential oil have been used as natural detox remedies, diuretics, and antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents for centuries in folk medicine. Countries and regions such as southern Italy, Algeria and Tunisia were some of the first growers of this healing herb.

According to Akıncı et al 2017 study, the following are the health benefits of Parsley:

  • phenolic compounds
  • antioxidant flavonoids
  • carotenoids
  • ascorbic acid
  • essential oils like myristicin and apiol
  • various nutrients like vitamins K, C and A

additionally,  a 2013 report by Farzaei et al published in  the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, parsley has been used as “a treatment of gastrointestinal disorder, hypertension, cardiac disease, urinary disease, diabetes and also various dermal diseases in traditional and folklore medicines.”

The study summarizes comprehensive information concerning ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacological activities of parsley. It involved a databases including PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science were searched for studies focusing on the ethnomedicinal use, phytochemical compounds and biological and pharmacological activities of parsley. Data were collected from 1966 to 2013. The search terms were: “Parsley” or “Petroselinum crispum” or “Petroselinum hortence”.

Historical importance of Parsley:

Parsley was traditionally used in making tea for treating gallstones and dysentery. Trusted as a powerful carminative, the leaves, seeds and roots of Parsley were used in treating numerous digestive problems including diarrhea, ulcer, flatulence and colic pain. The juice extracted from the roots of this plant was used in folklore medicine as a diuretic and for treating kidney disorders like nephrolithiasis (kidney stones).

Parsley seeds are used as an important spice in the Asian countries and specifically there is no Indian kitchen without Parsley seeds as the seeds and its powder are used in all kinds of routine cooking. The essential oil extracted from Parsley seeds was used in massage for normalizing menstruation and as a natural abortifacient. This oil is said to be effective in treating amenorrhea and menstrual pain or dysmennorhea.

Parsley herb is used for garnishing and adding extra flavor to all types of food items and is a major ingredient in tabbouleh, the national food of Lebanon. Crushed Parsley leaves have been used for topical application for insect bites, skin parasites and skin tumors. Other conventional uses of Parsley include its use for treating arthritis, anemia, cancer, prostate problems and liver disorders.

Parsley Benefits

Though, empirical research is needed,  some evidence suggest that parsley  support the following symptoms and disorders according to Jillian Levy, 2019 :

  • Inflammation
  • Oxidative stress/free radical damage
  • Anemia
  • Bladder infection
  • Digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome
  • Kidney stones
  • Bad breath
  • Arthritis
  • Bloating/edema
  • Gas
  • Acid reflux
  • Constipation
  • Poor immunity
  • Skin problems
  • Certain types of cancer 

Scientific Studies:

very high in Flavonoid Antioxidants

Haidari et al 2011 study confirmed that parsley contains a range of protective vitamins and flavonoid antioxidants that are responsible for many of the disease-fighting parsley benefits being researched today. These antioxidants as researched by Dorman et al 2011 include luteolin, apigenin, lycopene(Rebekah Edwards,2011), beta-carotene and alpha-carotene.

Antioxidants help slow the aging process by fighting free radical damage, or oxidative stress, along with inflammation within the body. This is important because free radical formation is known to contribute to almost every age-related disease, including cancer, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases and eye disorders.

One study in 1999 by Nielsen et al stated that, when adults were given high quantities of the herb parsley, they showed a significant improvement in lowering oxidative stress levels compared to those who didn’t receive it. This study was done by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s Institute of Food Safety and Toxicology in Copenhagen, Denmark. During the study, participants were initially given a diet that didn’t contain sources of antioxidants.

The researchers noticed that when the subjects were on the restricted diet, their oxidative stress markers rose, but when parsley was added to their diets during the second half of the study, it was found to help reverse the signs of oxidative stress thanks to its status as a high-antioxidant food.

Provides Essential Oils that Fight Cancer

A research by Chen  and  Dou, 2008 affirmed that,  Parsley has exclusive elements in its oil known as volatile oil components namely :

  1. myristicin,
  2. limonene,
  • eugenol and
  1. alpha-thujene.
  2. tetramethoxyally benzene, and certain flavonoids including
  3. apigenin,
  • luteolin,
  • appiin and

These powerful oil components benefit the body’s immune system and help fight cancer formation, in particular by slowing tumor growth, neutralizing oxidative stress and fighting off carcinogens, according to research studies. This herb is sometimes called a “chemoprotective” plant because it helps protect DNA from damage, stops cell mutation and helps induce apoptosis, or the death of harmful cells.

A research by Mafuvadze et al 2011 found apigenin in parsley, to “inhibit progestin-dependent synthesis of human breast cancer cells, significantly delaying the development of, and decreasing the incidence and multiplicity of mammary tumors”. Parsley in general is claimed as an effective chemoprotective food that guards the body from harmful free radicals that lead to dangerous diseases like cancer, atherosclerosis, asthma and diabetes. Parsley seed essential oil and the herb is a rich source of antioxidant nutrients like luteolin and other flavonoids have been proved to function as antioxidants that join with highly reactive oxygen radicals and aid in preventing oxygen-based damage to cells.

A study on ‘Cancer Prevention’ by Salman Hyder from the University of Missouri proved that the presence of apigenin compound in parsley and celery helps fight the growth of cancerous tumor in breast by blocking the formation of new blood vessel in tumors. Myristicin compound in Parsley oil has also been proven to restrain the growth of tumors especially in lungs.

Parsley and Prostate Health

According to the Blue Cure Foundation, 2016, there seems to be a connection with those eating a more Mediterranean-type of diet rich in herbs and spices and having a reduced risk of lung cancer. From these findings, many of the compounds found naturally in parsley are being explored.

One compound is called carnosol and has been tested for anti-cancer properties. Researchers believe carnosol can attack many different types of cancer, including prostate, breast, skin, leukemia, and colon cancer cells. One thing these studies have in common is that they are designed to see how a compound works against a known inflammatory pathway or gene that’s been associated with cancer growth. By watching how these compounds modify inflammatory pathways it can give some insight as to why and how these herbs are potentially so healing to the body.

For prostate cancer, carnosol has been found to block a phase (G2) in the cell dividing process in prostate cancer cells. It seems this compounds targets certain parts of cell growth and lowers the chances that prostate cancer cells can grow and spread to other areas of the body. Researchers do not know the exact effects of carnosol, but it seems to be safe for normal cells in the body and may be a useful agent for cancer prevention.

Another compound study is apigenin – a type of flavonoid (antioxidant) found mainly in parsley and chamomile, but also in onions, oranges, tea, wheat, and sprouts. Studies have associated this compound as having anti-oxidant, anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and anti-spasmodic effects. It’s been known to work against many types of cancerous cells, but one type of cancer, called choriocarcinoma (cancer known to spread to the lungs), has been looked at and the findings are interesting. It seems a Apigenin helps block the spread of this type of cancer and the spreading of cancer (metastasis) in general.  Other studies have shown apigenin is great at helping stop cell growth. It works by blocking the tumor’s blood supply and even reduce the tumors uptake of glucose. There are too many individual pathways to discuss in depth, but the conclusion of one review mentions how this compound in particular “may provide some additional benefit beyond existing drugs in slowing the emergence of metastatic disease.”

It has been found to act similarly to carnosol, targeting inflammatory pathways and reducing the growth of cancer.  Of course, all of these studies cannot be taken for face value, as more human trials are needed, but it does give hope that small changes in what we eat may dramatically alter the course of cancer.

The antioxidant properties in parsley have been shown to protect against DNA damage and inhibit cancer growth and spread. In cell studies, extracts of parsley were tested on liver cancer cells and found they were able to disrupt many cancer pathways.  Researchers claim these extracts may be used for the development of a potential therapeutic anticancer agent.

The last anti-cancer agent to discuss is lupeol, a type of triterpene, which is a plant sterol known to help naturally lower cholesterol. Lupeol has the potential to target key molecular pathways associated with cancer. It’s been shown to be completely safe for normal cells and only attacking cancerous ones. Studies are underway to see if lupeol could be a therapeutic and chemopreventive agent for the treatment of inflammation and cancer, but until we get more research, eating parsley straight up is the way to go.

For breast cancer, naturally occurring flavonoids in plants may provide a variety of anticancer compounds useful for breast cancer prevention and treatment. Parsley, celery, thyme, celery, chamomile, onions, lemon balm, and oranges are all foods with available flavonoids like apigenin, which have been associated with cancer protection.

 Men’s Health Benefits

Parsley is a big source of antioxidants for Spanish students in Poland. That may sound weird, but it’s true, the research shows oregano and parsley are major contributors in their diet. This can be true for any man trying to up his ante on antioxidants!

There was an interesting study asking experts in Ethnobotany, the scientific study of the relationships that exist between peoples and plants, what they thought were the most popular plants used to treat skin diseases and prostate cancer. A majority of the people asked responded with parsley, Chamomile, nettle and sage were others of popularity.

These tiny plants are packed with more nutrition than given credit. Adding parsley and other herbs and spices to the daily diet can only help boost overall health. One study found by just adding 1 teaspoon of parsley to about a half-cup of beans will greatly enhance the antioxidant content.

Apigenin and Prostate Cancer study

There are now over 3,000 PubMed-indexed journal articles discussing apigenin, with a new one appearing about every day. Over 600 articles relate to its role in cancer. A fascinating example appeared in September 2015. The first author was Sanjeev Shukla, PhD, in a research group headed by Prof. Sanjay Gupta of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. These Ohio scientists found that apigenin effectively inhibited a molecule called IKKα. IKKα is an enzyme complex involved in regulating a transcription factor called NF-kappaB, responsible for cellular response to inflammation (Häcker 2006). They describe IKKα as a “key driver of the metastatic process” and therefore a “promising therapeutic target in anticancer drug research.” Their key point is as follows:

“Suppression of IKKα kinase activation…by apigenin might markedly reduce cancer progression…” (Shukla 2015).

Until recently, no potent inhibitor of IKKα had been identified. But these Case Western scientists have now identified an effective inhibitor of this undesirable enzyme—apigenin. Apigenin, they wrote, “exhibits anticancer efficacy in experimental tumor model.” It does this by directly binding to IKKα and suppressing genes associated with the invasiveness and migration ability of human prostate cancer cells. In mice, apigenin stops tumor growth, lowers the proliferation rate of malignant cells and enhances apoptosis (the predominant form of programmed cell death). They identified some other anticancer effects. Apigenin:

  • Causes cell cycle arrest in prostate cancer cells.
  • Suppresses migration in cancer cells.
  • Suppresses tumor growth in athymic nude mice.

There may be some special relationship between apigenin and prostate cancer:

“Accumulated evidence leads us to hypothesize that there is some distinct mechanism by which apigenin suppresses prostate cancer growth, and we believe this warrants further investigation.”

This 2015 article is not alone in identifying apigenin as a potent anticancer agent. A small but interesting clinical trial was performed in Groß-Gerau, Germany, and was published by Prof. Harald Hoensch of the University of Frankfurt. His group gave a food supplement of 10 milligrams (mg) of apigenin as well as 10 mg of EGCg (a main ingredient in green tea) to patients who had either colorectal cancer or premalignant polyps of the colon. The results were dramatic. In the control group, 47 percent (7 out of 15) had recurrences either of cancer or of their polyps. But in the treated group, only 7 percent (1 out of 14) had a recurrence. Writing in the World Journal of Gastroenterology. Hoensch said:

“Sustained long-term treatment with a flavonoid mixture could reduce the recurrence rate of colon neoplasia [cancer, ed.] in patients with resected colon cancer” (Hoensch 2008).

By now, I am sure that many readers will be wondering where they can get this amazing apigenin. Look nowhere, it is one of the ingredients in the Men’s Formula I formulated for Prostate Health. Also, it is actually quite readily available in the food supply. The most abundant sources are dried parsley leaves (This is why the Men’s Formula in tea form is superior for prostate health) and grapefruit. According to one nutritional Web site (, dried parsley has an incredible 13,000 mg per 100 grams. In other words, it is 13 percent apigenin by weight! Fresh parsley has a considerable 225 to 300 mg per 100 grams. This is why the tea version of RNG Men’s Formula is recommended for Prostate Health. Other good sources are peppermint, thyme, raw celery and rutabagas. There is also apigenin in chamomile flower tea.

Put another way, one cup of chopped raw parsley has over 180 mg of apigenin. To get a 10 mg dose, as in the clinical trial, you would only need to take one tablespoon of raw chopped parsley per day. Alternately, you could sprinkle a small amount of dried parsley into your food. One can buy dried organic parsley in bulk. If you consumed one gram per day (the equivalent of two supplement capsules), this bag would last you well over a year. This is of course best done as part of a comprehensive, holistic life-style modification program and it is why every man needs the RNG Men’s Formula for prostate health as part of holistic health planning.

It seems unlikely that readers could harm themselves by taking this food factor. The toxicity of apigenin consists of an occasional allergic reaction, or possibly an undesirable interaction with other drugs. There is, however, one laboratory study that seemed to show that although apigenin was effective at killing leukemia cells, it simultaneously interfered with one standard drug used in the chemotherapy of that same disease (Ruella-de-Sousa 2010). It thus might be wise to NOT take high doses of this chemical if you are currently undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. This is why the RNG Men’s formula tea is well formulated to meet your need; instead of taking single ingredients. At the very least you should discuss this with your oncologist. Most reasonable doctors would not object to you adding a tablespoon of parsley to your daily regimen. It could do a world of good.

Acts as Natural Diuretic and Helps Relieve Bloating

Diuretics are a class of drugs that promote diuresis, or the increased production of urine. Also sometimes called water pills, these medications are used to remove excess water from the body and treat conditions like heart failure, liver disease and high blood pressure. But although often necessary in the treatment of several different health problems, diuretics can be accompanied by a slew of side effects such as high blood sugar, headaches and dizziness, causing many people to turn to natural diuretics as an alternative treatment method.

What is a natural diuretic? These powerful herbs, supplements and foods can mimic the effects of diuretics to increase urine volume and flush out extra fluids such as the Men’s Formula Tea. Plus, besides preventing fluid buildup, many also supply a host of health benefits as well as a range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to optimize other aspects of health as well. Switching out your over-the-counter (OTC) diuretic for a few natural options such as Men’s Formula Tea instead can have a powerful impact on your health. Interestingly, strong evidence exists that parsley can be used as a natural diuretic(Rachael Link, 2018) to help relieve water retention and ease bloating. Kreydiyyeh and Usta  2002 review done at the American University of Beirut. In the study, rats given parsley seed extract showed a significant increase in the volume of urine they produced over the 24 hours following. Parsley benefits digestive health because it helps stimulate kidney production of urine and draws excess water out of the abdomen, where it can cause discomfort and indigestion.

Improves Digestion and Kidney Health

Parsley and its essential oil are used to treat a number of gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders, including gas, constipation, bloating, indigestion and nausea. According to Ayurveda practices, to be accessed at, parsley benefits digestion because the essential oil can help increase bile production and beneficial gastric juices that are needed for proper enzyme functions involved in food and nutrient absorption. The essential oil can be added to a bath or diluted and rubbed on the stomach area for relief.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Parsley Seed oil:

Ayurveda has gained great honor mainly due the fact that it appreciates individual differences and treats every individual with a specific therapy. This holistic approach trusts that no two human beings on earth are the same and so are their health conditions as well. With this faith, Ayurvedic treatment varies from person to person even if a group of people are affected by the same disease. Ayurveda identifies individuals based on their individual constitution that comprises three major energy elements known as doshas, namely vata, pitta and kapha. Dosha predominance is the deciding factor for determining your physical and mental attributes whereas imbalance of doshas leads to sickness.

Why is parsley good for the kidneys?

According to studies, parsley benefits for the kidneys include potentially lowering your risk of kidney stones and helping regulate the body’s pH level by reducing acidity.  A 2017 study by Al-Yousofy et al  concluded that “parsley acts as antiurolithiatic drug through decreasing urinary calcium excretion, increasing urinary pH, dieresis, decreasing urinary protein excretion and via its nephroprtective activity.”

Since the prehistoric period, Parsley is known as a diuretic and detoxifier that aids in eliminating dangerous toxins from the body through urine. The depurative property of this oil purifies the blood and promotes the trouble-free flow of oxygen to all the tissues in the body. Gently massaging your body with 2 drops of Parsley oil blended with coconut oil aids in promoting blood circulation and helps expel the unwanted substances from the body without any side effects. You can also add 2 to 3 drops of Parsley seed oil in your warm bathing water for treating fluid retention, urinary problems, kidney disorders and certain other problems like rheumatism.

Parsley seed oil as a natural diuretic increases the frequency of urination without making you tired or dehydrated. This aids in the removal of harmful toxins like salt, uric acid, fat deposits and microbes in the body, when left unnoticed can cause renal calculi, arthritis, skin diseases and may affect the overall functioning of the body.

Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties

According to Jillian Levy,2019, parsley benefits skin and dental health by fighting off infections and bacteria. Its essential oils are believed to be effective at eliminating fungus — plus it clears up bacteria-caused blemishes on the skin. For example, a test-tube study demonstrated that the extract showed significant antibacterial activity against yeast, molds, and a common, infection-causing bacteria known as S. aureus.

The extract may also prevent the growth of bacteria in food. Another test-tube study found it prevented the growth of potentially harmful bacteria, such as Listeria and Salmonella — both known to cause food poisoning. Though the extract shows antibacterial potential in test-tube studies, these benefits have not yet been studied in humans. The parsley oil held within the plant’s leaves, roots and seeds is considered antimicrobial. It’s used in soaps, detergents, perfumes and other hygiene products for its ability to kill bacteria and odors.

Parsley oil is very strong and can cause a skin reaction or topical burn. As such, do not apply it directly to the skin. Instead mix it with a carrier oil like coconut, olive or almond oil, and then apply to the skin in order to avoid any reactions.

  Reduce Bad Breath

According to Jillian Levy, 2019, one of the many parsley benefits is that it’s a great way for how to get rid of bad breath. It is a natural breath freshener because it kills the bacteria in the mouth that cause odors.

Good Source of Bone-Protecting Vitamin K

Parsley provides high levels of vitamin K, an essential nutrient for maintaining bone density, fighting bone breaks and fractures. As a vitamin K food, this nutrient works together with the other bone-building nutrients in the herb — calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and magnesium.

Immune-Boosting Vitamin C potential

Parsley benefits your immune defenses due to its high levels of antioxidants, including vitamin C and vitamin A. Vitamin C helps maintain a healthy gut environment, where much of the immune system is actually located.

Protect Eye and Skin Health by Providing Vitamin A

Parsley benefits for eyes are due to its high content of two antioxidants — pro-vitamin A carotenoid and beta-carotene — that are used by the body to boost eye health. These antioxidants protect the retina and cornea from damage as someone ages, helping prevent eye disorders like macular degeneration and cataracts. Vitamin A also fights signs of aging on the skin, protects eyes and skin from UV light damage, and may be able to help prevent skin cancer.

Folate Needed for Heart Health

Because it’s a vital B vitamin that plays a critical role in protecting the heart, folate deficiency is very dangerous. Parsley benefits cardiovascular health because we need folate in order to convert homocysteine, a type of amino acid found in the blood. Homocysteine is a potentially troublesome molecule that can cause damage to blood vessels when uncontrolled, potentially leading to a heart attack or stroke.

Balance Hormones

Parsley seeds have traditionally been used as an important spice in Asian countries and in India for normalizing menstruation, treating amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycle) and decreasing menstrual pain. It’s believed to help balance hormones — important for fertility and preventing symptoms of PMS. This oil has emmenagogue properties that stimulate blocked menstruation and regularize the menstrual cycle. Massaging the abdomen with 2 drops of Parsley oil mixed with sesame oil helps in treating various problems associated with menstruation like abdominal cramps, fatigue, nausea, headache and back pain. Parsley seed oil also promotes the secretion of estrogen, the female hormones and nurtures the health of female reproductive organs. Since it helps prevent neural tube defects that can result when a folate deficiency takes place, the folate within this herb is also important for a healthy pregnancy.

Guards the system from rheumatism:

The major causes behind rheumatism and arthritis are fluid retention, obstructed blood circulation and amassing of uric acid in the joints and muscles. The detoxifier, depurative, stimulant and diuretic properties of this oil removes toxins like salts and uric acid from the joints and muscles, expels water retention, helps get rid of impurities in the blood and promotes blood circulation.

The Ayurveda and Aromatherapy book by Bryan Miller and Light Miller quotes “Parsley is excellent for the circulation and is known to eliminate broken capillaries in combination with Rose oil and cold compresses.” Parsley seed oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that aids in reducing rheumatic pain and inflammation. A warm massage with 3 drops of Parsley seed essential oil blended with sesame oil helps in reducing pain, inflammation and promotes frequent urination without loss of energy through which the harmful toxins in the body are eliminated. You can also use few drops of Parsley oil either in warm compress or in warm bathing water for complete relief from rheumatism, gout and arthritis.

Natural remedy for digestive problems:

As a laxative with carminative and stomachic properties, using Parsley seed essential oil in massage or in bath tub aids in enhancing the secretion of bile and certain other gastric juices along with digestive enzymes. This assists in stimulating regular bowel movements, treat constipation, flatulence, stomach infection, ulcer and pain.

Other health benefits:

Apart from these major health benefits, Parsley seed essential oil is also used for various other health problems like cough, colic, gastrointestinal disorders, wounds, swollen breasts, prostate conditions, jaundice, gall stones, cellulite, cystitis, sciatica, loss of libido, hemorrhoids and gum problems.

Nutrition Facts

One cup (about 60 grams) of fresh, raw parsley nutrition contains approximately:

  • 21.6 calories
  • 3.8 grams’ carbohydrates
  • 1.8 grams protein
  • 0.5 grams fat
  • 2 grams fiber
  • 984 micrograms vitamin K (1,230 percent DV)
  • 79.8 milligrams vitamin C (133 percent DV)
  • 5,055 international units vitamin A (101 percent DV)
  • 91.2 micrograms folate (23 percent DV)
  • 3.7 milligrams iron (21 percent DV)
  • 332 milligrams potassium (9 percent DV)
  • 82.8 milligrams calcium (8 percent DV)
  • 30 milligrams magnesium (7 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligrams manganese (5 percent DV)

In addition, this herb also contains some vitamin E, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, choline, phosphorus, zinc and copper.

Risks and Side Effects

How much parsley is too much? Jillian Levy, 2019 provided answer to this:

“This herb contains a small amount of naturally occurring oxalates, which can sometimes be a problem for people with kidney stones or gout. Oxalates are found in certain plant and animal foods and usually don’t pose a problem for most people, but for people who have compromised kidney or gallbladder function, they may want to be cautious if they notice any symptoms worsen while consuming parsley”.

What happens when you eat too much parsley? According to the researcher, you’d have to consume at least several cup’s worth to have a negative effect, however you might notice increased urination or a stomach ache if you eat it in excess.

Excessive consumption should also be avoided by pregnant women since it naturally has an effect on hormone levels and the menstrual cycle. It’s considered safe in normal food quantities, but large amounts or using the essential oil have not been studied enough in pregnant women to be considered safe.

Parsley Recipes

  • Parsley Tea (uses 2 to 4 tablespoons of fresh parsley with 2 cups of water). This tea has been used in natural folk medicine as a remedy for treating gallstones, indigestion, kidney stones, constipation and edema (bloating). Drinking ginger and parsley tea is also a great way to soothe nausea associated with pregnancy, stomach viruses, etc.
  • Parsley Juice. Benefits of parsley juice may include supporting detoxification by supplying nutrients for the kidneys and liver. In animal studies, the juice even seems to support brain health and behavior by positively impacting neurotransmitters levels and protecting neurons from oxidative stress.

Final Thoughts

  • What makes parsley nutrition so impressive? It’s full of antioxidants, essential oils and vitamins, like vitamin C, A and K.
  • Parsley benefits include acting as a free radical scavenger, heart protector, brain protector, antidiabetic agent, antibacterial and digestive aid.
  • This herb is eaten fresh or dried and commonly used to make tea and juice. Parsley tea benefits include soothing the digestive system and decreasing stomach aches, while parsley juice supports the kidneys and liver in detoxification processes.
  • Parsley vs. cilantro: What’s the main differences? Both are nutrient-dense and look alike, but cilantro has a stronger smell and taste (resembling lime) and is used in Indian and Mexican cooking more often.
  • How much parsley should you eat per day? Up to one or two cups daily provides many benefits, but most people won’t be able to consume this much.
  • Aim for several tablespoons of fresh parsley per day, which still provides a decent dose of many nutrients.
  • Look for parsley that is bright green and doesn’t have noticeable wilting or brown spots.

The writer is an honorary Professor of Holistic Medicine-Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, Ukraine, President of Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine and currently, LLB law/MBA Student. He is the formulator of FDA approved Nyarkotey Hibiscus Tea for Cardiovascular Support and wellness, Men’s Formula for Prostate Health and Women’s Formula for wellness. Contact: 0241083423/0541234556

DISCLAIMER This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnosis and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition.


  1. Akıncı, A., Eşrefoğlu, M., Taşlıdere, E., & Ateş, B. (2017). Petroselinum Crispum is Effective in Reducing Stress-Induced Gastric Oxidative Damage. Balkan medical journal, 34(1), 53–59.
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  • Haidari, F., Keshavarz, S. A., Mohammad Shahi, M., Mahboob, S. A., & Rashidi, M. R. (2011). Effects of Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) and its Flavonol Constituents, Kaempferol and Quercetin, on Serum Uric Acid Levels, Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Liver Xanthine Oxidoreductase Aactivity inOxonate-Induced Hyperuricemic Rats. Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research : IJPR, 10(4), 811–819.
  1. Dorman HJ, Lantto TA, Raasmaja A, Hiltunen R. Antioxidant, pro-oxidant and cytotoxic properties of parsley. Food Funct. 2011;2(6):328-337. doi:10.1039/c1fo10027k
  2. Rebekah Edwards(2011) Lycopene: A Powerful Antioxidant to Help Prevent Cancer and Keep Your Heart Healthy.
  3. Jillian Levy,2019 Parsley Benefits for Immunity, Digestion & More.
  • Nielsen SE, Young JF, Daneshvar B, et al. Effect of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) intake on urinary apigenin excretion, blood antioxidant enzymes and biomarkers for oxidative stress in human subjects. Br J Nutr. 1999;81(6):447-455. doi:10.1017/s000711459900080x
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  1. Benford Mafuvadze , Indira Benakanakere , Franklin R. López Pérez , Cynthia Besch-Williford , Mark R. Ellersieck , and Salman M. Hyder(2011) Apigenin Prevents Development of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate-Accelerated 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-Induced Mammary Tumors in Sprague–Dawley Rats. CAPR-10-0382
  2. Rachael Link(2018) 19 Natural Diuretics to Help Relieve Water Retention, Bloating & More.
  3. Kreydiyyeh SI, Usta J. Diuretic effect and mechanism of action of parsley. J Ethnopharmacol. 2002;79(3):353-357. doi:10.1016/s0378-8741(01)00408-1
  1. The Mediterranean Prescription: Meal Plans and Recipes to Help You Stay Slim and Healthy for the Rest of Your Lifefrom Ballantine Books