MOMENTS! – A Gospo-Literary Experience in Ho


The journey to Glalah Street took about 11 minutes from where I was lodging in the regional capital of the Volta Region. Or at least, that’s what Google Maps said. It was a quiet trip for us but the taxi driver and the other passengers in the car would not stop blabbing. From the looks of it, the other two passengers were friends with the driver and they were on a leisurely ride when we stopped them and they decided, “Why not? Let’s pick this couple up, make some money while we cruise through the town and disturb them with our private conversations”.

At a certain T-junction, for the first time on the trip, the driver spoke to us. “Where on the Glalah Street will you alight,” he asked. We did not know. We decided to call someone but before we could take our phones, the driver said, “This is the end of the Glalah Street”. Interpretation: I cannot take you any further from here. Backwards is not an option. Get down and figure your direction out. We understood him perfectly, disembarked and paid our fare.

Next task: Find LoveReign Bible Church. It’s not listed on Maps so we had to use the Ghanaian way. Landmarks. We knew the place was on a storey-building and a chop bar was close by. After one wrong chop bar and the wrong storey-building, we found the right one. We took the stairs to a nicely set up auditorium.

The space was very small. It could take only 48 people per the number of seats arranged in the room. There was a little more space in the front of the room for a set of musical instruments – a set of drums, speakers, piano, two guitars, combo etc. and the people who will play these instruments. There was a small TV screen hoisted above where the instruments were. There was an adjoining room that allowed more guests at the back of the main auditorium and they could also open the sides to arrange extra chairs. The room was also set up with LED RGB flashing stage disco lights. We would later find out that there was theatrical smoke and fog as well.

We were there for MOMENTS! – Awake: The September Edition. It was a worship event. The vehicles used to convey God’s due praise and adoration to Him all the way in the heavens were music, choreography and poetry. I was very impressed with the thoroughness of the organization, the selection of songs and other activities and the order of the event. The organizers did their best to deliver everything to near perfection despite some obvious challenges such as space and logistics.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself for the two-hours or so that I was there. It was a beautiful atmosphere to connect with God. It was uplifting and scripture was fulfilled: I did not leave there the same way I got in. Something changed in me. I was truly blessed.

My biggest takeaway from the event was an appreciation of the talent we have in the country, especially in music and spoken word. The average age of those who ministered and attended will be 20 per my calculation. The richness of their talent and creativity is beyond measure. Given the right environment and support, they would really go far.

My only disappointment in the event was that it was almost as if I was in a church in Oklahoma. No Ghanaian song was ministered. Only one of the choreography teams used local gospel songs for their ministration. Maybe, it’s not a big deal but I’d have really loved to hear more of our own songs.

As I am not greedy, I will share two of the spoken word performances at the event. I was blessed by them. I hope you find them uplifting too.  Until next week, it can only get better. We can only get better.


If I should ask how you met the Lord

Many of us will share very wonderful stories

Of unique and mind-blowing encounters

That brought us into the faith

Like an inward explosion of overwhelming love

A wave of peace when all around was crumbling

A whisper in the chaos of your heart

A mighty hand of deliverance on a day of trouble

Or just a strong belief when He was preached to you

We all have our stories

But you see that story?

It’s just the first chapter

We are writing an entire book on our journey with Him

Like every writer will tell you

It takes a great deal of consistency to finish a book

And a lot more work to write a good one

This book is no different

Your first chapter may be so full of awe

But how is the rest of your book going?

Is the first chapter going to be the only interesting part of your book?


You see, we’re chosen ones

Specially handpicked for this particular purpose

The very personal, continuous and intimate walk

Where we begin to look like Him

And become like Him

No matter where you are in your journey


Slow progress

Or even retrogression?

Just like the day of Pentecost

There’s a mighty wind of revival

The Holy Spirit

Ever present to transform

So we can do more

And be more

Cause we have a book to finish!

~ Dzidzor Kwamuar ~



We slept in one year and woke up in another, hopeful

We set off on a journey into a year we did not see coming

Suddenly we had dark clouds hovering over us

The sun dimmed on us and the moon disappeared

We planted roses of hope and harvest thorns of disappointment

Sprouts of weed in our fertile soil

Our heads bowed and our shoulders sunken

Our world has been closing in on us

Time is shortening

There is chaos, a lot of it

The divine task still awaits

And we are tired


This year reminds me of the year Jesus went to the Cross

The moon eclipsing the sun as He journeyed a dark road to the hilltop

The weight of our burden breaking His back

The pain, agony and bloody sweat

His world was closing in on Him

But passion run through His veins

For us, He paid the ultimate price

A love so passionate that if it meant death, He will give all up for our sake


This year reminds me of the year Jesus went to the Cross

Left for us an epitome of passion

For our crosses, none heavier than our master’s

We have laid aside in our light afflictions

These uncertain days only point to one thing, or two

The world rushes to its end with a lot left undone


But our greatest example awaits our humble plea

That we cry for a grace, a passion, a love

That ignites a fire in our marrow

In the midst of the rubble

To run with His message of hope, of love, of caution

To drop peace in troubled hearts

And join hands of the lost to His

A fire that warms our souls when the world around us is growing colder

A fulfilment of His promise to us – The latter rain


The world has been closing in on us

Time is shortening

The boisterous storms still buffet us

The divine tasks await

But passion is screaming

“This year reminds me of the year Jesus went to the Cross”

So we keep running with our master’s hand

For our glory cannot be compared to all these – our light afflictions

~ Alexandra Koka ~