Gold Fields grabs 5 HESS awards

Photo: Officials of Gold Fields receiving one of the awards they won on the night

Gold Fields Ghana received massive recognition at the 2020 Health, Environment, Safety and Security (HESS) Awards for its impressive sustainable development practices in environmental management, safety and social investments.

The gold mining company, which operates the Tarkwa and Damang Mines in the Western Region, picked up five awards at the event that was held last Friday.

The awards include CSR Excellence Award, Best Company in HESS Compliance, Reporting and Monitoring; Best Company in Environment Protection Campaign; HESS Team of the Year and HESS Company of the Year.

Gold Fields said it prioritises environmental stewardship, safety, governance and compliance at its operations in line with the company’s vision to be the global leader in sustainable gold mining.

“We are proud of our sustainable development initiatives. As a responsible mine, we continue to set high standards in operational excellence, environmental stewardship and host community and national development,” said Francis Eduku, Vice President and Head of HR and Corporate Affairs.

He added that the five awards show the company’s commitment toward better environmental management, health, safety, regulatory compliance and high-impact social investment practices.

Gold Fields said some of its key sustainable development activities in 2019 include rehabilitation of large swathes of land with vegetation; improved safety record; robust energy management practices; reduction in carbon emissions; compliance with regulatory requirements and international best practices; as well as building a resilient workforce that feels empowered to confidently speak up about unsafe and unethical practices.

Mr, Eduku commended the entire workforce of Gold Fields for living the company’s values of safety and responsibility.

“We couldn’t have achieved this impressive feat without the dedication and commitment of our great teams at our Tarkwa and Damang Mines, who continue to ensure our strict adherence to best practices in environmental management, safety, compliance, governance and community relations.”