WORMBAT-400 commits to make Ghana worm-free

NDC parliamentary aspirant for the Ayawaso West Wuogon Wugoon constituency John Dumelo deworming a child.

More than 1.5 billion people (approx. 25% of the world’s population) live with intestinal parasites such as worms.

One of Africa’s most popular dewormer, WORMBAT-400 has been engaging in activities to raise awareness & have shown their commitment to make Ghana Worm-Free.

The WORMBAT-400 team has been undertaking several community outreaches all across the nation, most recently on Saturday 22nd August at the Mempeasem Community Hall in East Legon. Children and their parents were educated on the effects of WORMS and also administered with a single dose WORMBAT-400 tablet to help eradicate the prevalence of parasitic intestinal worms.

Parasitic infections are associated with eating raw, unwashed fruits & vegetables, drinking contaminated water as well as / or having poor personal hygiene practices. In Ghana about 25% do not have access to adequate sanitation facilities with Only 15% who have access to a private sanitation facility (unshared).

The NDC parliamentary aspirant for the Ayawaso West Wuogon Wugoon constituency John Dumelo spoke about  the importance of deworming in a place like Ghana where sanitation and  hygiene remains a major challenge.

WORMBAT-400 is made in Ghana, under license of LUEX, a British Pharmaceutical Company who has been producing quality and trusted medicines for over 30 years. WORMBAT-400 is Albendazole 400mg, which the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends as an effective, preventative chemotherapy public health intervention.

Senior Pharmacist of the WORMBAT team, Mr. Solomon Odamtten explained “regular deworming prevents children & adults from intestinal parasitic worms that can lead to anaemia, malnutrition and weakness.  Particularly in children Worms impairs mental, physical cognitive development and often leads to reduced school participation. This is why we must encourage deworming with WORMBAT-400 every 3 months to keep our friends & families safe.”