Be courageous in the face of the pandemic – Archbishop Hampel to Ghanaians

Archbishop Prince Hampel,President of Liberty Global Christian Church

A globally renowned Ghanaian man of God, Archbishop Prince Hampel has called on all Ghanaians to be of good courage in the face of the adverse effects of the global COVID19 pandemic.

The President of Liberty Global Christian Church with branches in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany among several other nations with its headquarters in Ghana has encouraged the political leadership of Ghana, the church, corporate Ghana and indeed the entire nation to know that God is in full control and he will bring Ghana to an expected end at the end of it all.

“I have spent time in prayer and meditation as the events of the corona virus unfolds. This has led many to a place of despair where lives have been lost, health and safety has become a grave concern and I believe we need a voice of courage and encouragement to come forth,” he said.

The Archbishop, who is also the President of Wisdom for Winning and Ministers Manna and author of several Christian Books, further stated it was extremely important that Ghanaians do away with fear by adhering to the laid down covid-19 protocols and also seeking the face of God. He further reiterated that the good Lord has solutions to all things and needed to vehemently call on him whiles also respecting and observing the protocols.

He intimated that it will take both physical and spiritual actions in overcoming the Covid-19 Pandemic and not only prayer. He said: “If we pray 24 hours and refuse to observe the COVID-19 protocols which includes periodically washing our hands under running water, sanitizing our hands and surfaces in our homes and offices, wearing face mask and more importantly maintaining social distancing, no amount of prayer would work because our lord is a God of orderliness”.

Archbishop Prince Hampel indicated that he felt the need to share a word of reassurance to all Ghanaians. “We see Jesus being moved with compassion as he saw the multitudes who needed healing, food, comfort and sometimes as sheep without a shepherd. This is the spirit in which I am writing to you. Let us not lose hope, let us not grow weary in doing good. There are many who may need our prayer, food, a word of encouragement or a word of comfort, especially if you have been directly impacted and have lost loved ones through COVID-19 infection. I am reaching out to you today with the love of God expressed in Christ Jesus,” he said.

He further expressed that as the nation prepares to go into Parliamentary and Presidential election, it is the responsibility of every single Ghanaian to help consolidate the peace of Ghana by acting responsibly and non-violently no matter the provocation. He stressed that Ghana remains the collective responsibility of all and not just the few elected leaders.

“Election is a simple process where Ghanaians are given the opportunity to decide who leads them through secret ballot. I do not see why such a simple honourable process should lead to violence,” he quizzed.

Archbishop Hampel called on the Clergy to continue to pray for the country as it prepares to go into elections in December, saying, Ghana shall once again prevail and no machinations of the enemy would work. He charged the clergy not to be thermometers, just reading the temperature of events, but be thermostats who are able to regulate the temperature.

He added that people who are able to speak hope in hopelessness, speak healing in times of sickness, speak faith in times of fear and speak words of unity in times of divisions remain critical to nation building and peace.