GJA President visits Satellite Africa


The President of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), Mr. Roland Affail Monney, has paid a visit to Satellite Africa Network Services Limited (SatAfrik) at East Legon in Accra.

He was accompanied by the Organising Secretary of the Association, Mr. Albert Kwabena Dwumfuor. They were there to familiarise themselves with the operations of the company and were received by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Harry Sintim-Aboagye and management of SatAfrik.

Mr. Sintim-Aboagye introduced Satellite Africa as an indigenous Ghanaian company poised to become and remain the most trusted, proactive and reliable brand within Africa’s Information Communications Technology with footprints in the sub-Sahara Africa region.  He briefed them of the pending ground breaking at Boi which he described as a dream come true and 1st in Africa in giving clients uninterrupted service. He was happy about the visit and appealed to them to use their medium to foster collaboration between SatAfrik and their association.

Mr.Monney was excited about the seasoned staff at SatAfrik and said GJA will not hesitate to partner them in delivering good services to Ghana and Africa as a whole. Mr. Dwumfuor, who is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Atinka, was full of praise for the establishment of a satellite company in Ghana saying that Ghana needs new players to contribute competitively to the industry. Present at the meeting were the CEO, Executive Director and Chief Technical Officer of SatAfrik, Mr. Joseph Mbir, Mr. Charles Odonkor and Mr. Frederick Kumassey respectively.