‘Look to organic fertilisers, they boost productivity better’

Chief Executive of Eco Index Solutions, Dr. Francis Akuamoah Boateng, second from left, in a symbolic launch of the product with Alhaji Alhassan Bukari, second from right
… overdependence on chemical inputs in agriculture harmful

Managing Director of Eco Index Agro Solutions Limited – the sole distributor of begreen organic fertiliser, Dr. Emmanuel Moses, has called for nationwide adoption and use of organic fertilisers to among others revitalise the ‘soil ecosystem’ while boosting productivity for farmers.

He observed that decades of over-reliance on chemical fertilisers coupled with their abuse threatens the future of agriculture, as research has shown that there is a negative effect of such chemicals on the health of consumers.

“There are a lot of farmers who abuse most of the products that are available to them, especially chemical pesticides. The abuse is such that now there are traces of some harmful chemicals even in the body system of humans,” he said, adding that these chemicals which are accumulating in tissues of people could lead to complex health challenges like cancer.

Against this backdrop, he said the time has come to arrest the situation in order to prevent people from developing various “health disorders due to the accumulation of chemical products that are coming from food that we eat”.

He, therefore, emphasised that the use natural products to produce reasonable quantities of food continues to gain attention, and thus encourages that this must be adopted particularly in the tropics, including Ghana.

Dr. Moses intimated that the conscious introduction and education of farmers to shift to the use of organic fertilisers will, therefore, boost the health of Ghanaians as well as increase productivity.

The Managing Director of Eco Index Agro Solutions, who was speaking at the backdrop of a ‘begreen-Awareness Workshop’ with regional chief farmers, encouraged farmers to make ‘begreen Organic Fertiliser’ their preferred choice.

The product, according Dr. Moses, is an extract of plants in water with no chemical additives – making it 100 percent organic, which holds an assured efficacy to increase yields of farmers.

The National President of Chief Farmers Association, Alhaji Alhassan Bukari who was also present at the workshop along with other national executives, acknowledge the contribution of the Chief Executive of Eco Index Solutions, Dr. Francis Akuamoah Boateng, to farmers.

He said the work of Dr. Boateng over the years demonstrates that he has the interests of farmers in the country at heart, and encouraged the farmers present to endeavour to share the knowledge acquired at the workshop with others.

Chief Executive of Eco Index Solutions, Dr. Francis Akuamoah Boateng, said organic products are now the future of farming, especially given their health potentials. He said the preference and requests for organic produce is dictating the pace of farming, particularly in ‘more developed’ countries, and encouraged local farmers to take advantage and shift from chemical farming.

Dr. Akuamoah Boateng explained that the origin of the ‘begreen Organic Fertiliser’ in the country is traced to his encounter and introduction to the product in Vietnam, and subsequently his interest to share the potential of the product with Ghanaian farmers.

He said the product has been on the market for a little over two years and already has several success stories from farmers from across the country, and therefore he encouraged farmers who are yet to try the product to take advantage.