Personal Branding with Bernard Kelvin Clive : 10 innovative ways authors and brands can use Facebook live


Videos are the new trending thing across major social media platforms from Facebook to Zoom.

The strategies outlined here are not only limited to the use of Facebook Live but can also be used for any other live video streaming platforms and services, such as streamyard, zoom, Instagram, etc.

Research indicates that people are likely to choose to watch a video than reading a text. Videos do grab the attention of audience easily.

Facebook Live is a new feature which was introduced recently for every Facebook user, either personal profile or pages. It is about time smart brands and individuals take advantage of it.

In an age where anyone with a smart phone and internet becomes a publisher and broadcaster, it’s very important for brands to take advantage and ride on the live video features to empower consumers, educate and promote their brands and businesses in subtler but creative ways.

Here are some benefits of using Facebook Live Streaming:

  • It provides real-time broadcasting
  • Streamed videos remain on your timelines for later viewing
  • Streamed videos via pages can be boosted after the streaming session to reach a larger audience
  • You get quick feedback while broadcasting
  • You get insight from your audience
  • You have real-time engagements with your audience
  • It helps build trust and transparency
  • Videos can be streamed 24 hours non-stop
  • You can sell directly to your audience
  • It’s cheaper to use
  • It enables consumers bond with brands
  • You get to break the news yourself

Let’s take a dive into how to use Facebook live with your smartphones and computers to promote your brand.

  1. Behind the scenes:
    Use live video to take your audience through the ‘behind the scenes’ process of your product preparation or packaging. As an author, you can decide to walk your audience through your writing space or process. The idea is to offer them something they would not have had normally to make them feel as a part of your brand and be privileged to have an inside scoop.
  2. Product Pre-Launches:
    Using the Facebook book live video streaming on your phone, you can quickly provide a preview of your upcoming product launch. This is to wet consumers’ appetite for the product. Walk them through your show room, displaying the products. For Authors, you can show a parceled book, book cover, scan through the book with highlights on few chapters, etc. then you tell the audience the actual launch details; date, venue, time. You can as well use that opportunity to make your product available for pre-ordering through some pre-order discounts and give away.
  3. Product launch:
    Using live video to launch your products virtually can be a great option; time saving and cost effective. This strategy will work very well with digital downloads; e-books, audios, videos, etc.

Ones you fix a date, then, through your pre-launch activities, invite people to your page for the launch date. Simply go ahead, turn your device on and stream live. Let your audience know all that’s in for them, not only telling them but showing it live. Make your launch speeches, and then lead them to your landing page for purchasing. To re-emphasize, it will always be best to offer some bonuses during your launch. Keep consumers hooked to your brand! NB: consumers love convenience, offer them an irresistible one.

  1. Product Review:
    Reviews are very powerful; it’s one of the top deciding factors consumers use in purchasing. So, with the innovative use of Facebook live streaming, brands and authors can empower their fans and followers to endorse and review their products using the live video streaming on their phones. This is how it can be done easily: request that consumers use Facebook live video to show how they use your product and how beneficial it has been to them. If it’s a book, they can read their favourite chapter or quote, using a specific hash-tag you create (that’s to help you track it) then tag your product or personal page. What is in for them? Offer them discounts on their next order, offer them gifts, etc. Simply find ways to reward them. Alternatively, you can have your product/book reviewed live by yourself or marketing by showing them special features of the product, and anything that will help market it properly right from your office or home.
  2. Daily tips:
    In a busy social media driven world, everyone would want to make do with some tips and tricks. We love to get things done quickly and without much hustle. As a business or brand, know exactly what consumers crave for and provide them with just that. Using Facebook live video, regardless of what your brand and business is into, you can offer tips; tricks and strategies for implementing ideas; it could be anything related to what you offer. If you are an auto dealer, Facebook live video can be used by your business to provide tips on ‘safety driving’, ‘care maintenance’ etc. Authors can simply read portions of their books, share quotes and commentaries using Facebook live.
  3. Time with Fan of the week:
    People feel appreciated and get committed when their little sacrifices are recognized, mostly publicly. To take advantage of this to promote your business and brand to build a loyal following, carefully select and honor a fan every week on your Facebook page, live. If your fan to be celebrated is far away from your physical location and country, simply ask them to do a live video session while you plug in to your page, or do it yourself and show a picture of their personal profiles and anyway to get the attention of the one being celebrated.

The other option is to have representatives meet them at their location where possible and have a live video session with them.

Alternatively, this can be done from your office; inviting them over for a special treat. The idea is to celebrate your fans and followers in a live streaming session, so whatever means that can be done, do it! Remember that one satisfied client can eventually become your brand advocate to bring in many clients. Keep your eye on them and celebrate them.

  1. LIVE Q & A:
    It is either you decide to do this regularly or as one of your events. Q & A sessions are a great way to listen to your fans and followers, know their special needs, their suggestions and worries to help meet their needs. Never neglect listening to your fans. Host a live question and answers time on your page; offer consumers the opportunity to ask you questions regarding your product or service, on a specific topic or theme, etc. and get your team ready to provide answers. Authors can offer live Q & A sessions on their books and get interactive with their readers. This, if enforced will win the hearts of your consumers, build trust and drive massive sales.
  2. Live Tour:
    A very powerful method of selling is showing, more so, showing live videos clears lots of doubts. Offering a live virtual tour is one amazing thing to do with Facebook live. As an auto firm, you can take fans & followers through, for instance, your showroom to see the latest cars. For brands in the hospitality industry, instead of posting pictures of your hotel facilities, you can go on a live tour with viewers by using Facebook live. In the same way, Real-estate companies can use Facebook live to entice and increase the desire of their consumers and potential clients for their properties.
  3. Live Activity:
    Regardless of the services your brand offers or profession you are in, a live activity can be provided to benefit fans and followers.

As a consultant, free live consultations can be offered. Yes! Let the audience have a taste of what you do, then, you can go on and sell your services to them.

An artist can offer to do a live drawing or painting, then sell it right afterwards to the viewing audience.

A musician can sing live to their audience.
Can you teach a subject live to your audience? I am sure you can find something worth sharing live to benefit your fans & followers. You have a lot to gain if you decide to share some tips and advice regarding your products and service every now and then. The bottom-line is to find ways to offer value using the live video streaming sessions.

  1. Live Event:
    You can decide to simply broadcast a live event, either the whole event or highlights of the event with comments. This is to offer those who couldn’t attend the opportunity to benefit from the program.

The list is endless, just think creatively about how you can use the Facebook Live streaming service to your advantage.

Most of the activities should be done frequently at a stipulated time to help it yield the desired outcome. Remember repetition is the seed of mastery! Do end your live broadcasts with a positive thank you word and a call to action.

Do you have questions or need help with your personal brand, just contact me via [email protected]