HCCGH elects new officers to steer affairs of the Consular Group

Hon. Dimitri Avraam (middle) with the new members

The General Assembly of the Honorary Consular Corps of Ghana (HCCGH) led by Dimitri Avraam, Honorary Consul of Belgium and Dean of HCCGH, has elected new executives to steer its affairs for the next two years, 2020 -2022. The event saw many members in attendance, and the body elected the following to serve on different working groups:

The Secretary is Kwame Acquah, Consul of Seychelles; Treasurer is Thomas Okyere, Consul of Botswana; and Executive Directors included Antonio Fernandes, Consul of Portugal; and Fredrik Morsing, Consul of Sweden.

For Government of Ghana and Local Authorities Relationship, Ray Quarcoo-Consul of Haiti, and Steve Mawuenyega-Consul of Serbia.  Others are Stefano Pezza-Consul of Italy; and Carmel Mouhtiseb-Consul of Latvia co-chairing the Social Events and Community Projects Coordination.  H. John Mitchell-Consul of Trinidad and Tobago was elected Chairman in charge of Membership (Local and FICAC Motivation and Coordination).

The Dean addressing the HCCGH General Assembly mentioned that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us to expose the shortfalls and risks in our society and environment, and the need to prepare ourselves – not only for unexpected happenings, but also to be better-equipped for a new approach to life, business and relief.

Mr. Avraam said the new working groups seek to motivate its members and promote the role of Honorary Consuls. “We contribute immensely to the promotion of bilateral trade and cultural promotions with Ghana and development of the country, while with our respective businesses we support employment and investments and wish the elected officers well in their respective endeavours,” he explained.

“I believe their rich experience will take the group a notch higher before they leave office,’, Hon. Avraam said. The group has an executive committee that meets every two months and reports to the General Assembly, which meets quarterly. HCCGH is a member of the International Federation of Consular Associations (FICAC), with its HQ in Belgium.

Meanwhile, the Honorary Consuls in Ghana constituted and established the Honorary Consular Corps of Ghana (HCCGH) in 1996 after several great efforts put up by its first leader Mr. H.R. Roth, the then Consul General of Finland with eleven members. Since then, the Corps strength of 32 members has worked in full compliance with provisions of the Vienna Convention in promoting its excellent relationship with the government of Ghana.