GEXIM Bank staff support 3 health facilities to fight COVID-19


Staff of Ghana Export-Import Bank (GEXIM) have donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and cash to help three institutions in their fight against the spread of the novel Coronavirus in the country.

The beneficiary institutions include the Accra Psychiatric Hospital, the Adabraka Polyclinic and the Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital all in Accra. They all received PPE and cash donation of GH₵2000 each.

The gesture, valued at GH₵75,000, forms part of the workers’ commitments to giving back to society and supporting the vulnerable and needy. The Accra Psychiatric Hospital received items such as: 250 N95 nose masks; 3500 surgical nose masks; 50 face shield; 1000 chlorine tablets; 5000 hand gloves; 30 gallons of 5 kilogramme hand sanitizers and; cash of GH₵2000. The Children’s Hospital, meanwhile received 3000 surgical nose masks, one physiotherapy unit, 20 gallons of 5kilogramme hand sanitizers and the same cash amount.

For the Adabraka Polyclinic, the staff donated: 4000 surgical nose masks; 5 thermometer detection devices, 30 disposable gowns; 30 gallons of 5kilogramme hand sanitizers; 10 rubber gum boots and; GH₵2,000 cash.

“Aside of the bank’s executing its core mandate in supporting local industries, as a caring and responsible corporate entity, giving back to society, the vulnerable and needy; its staff are also very caring and supportive of any national cause.

It is in light of this and taking a cue from our board and management’s recent presentation of GH₵250,000 cash and packs of Eku Juice to the Jubilee House to help fight against COVID-19, and at the initiative of our CEO, Lawrence Agyinsam, the staff have also decided to contribute our widow’s mite out of our salaries, totalling GH₵75,000.00 to procure the following PPE to be donated to your institutions, the Accra Psychiatric Hospital, Adabraka Polyclinic and the Children’s Hospital,” said Emmanuel Esilfie Conduah, Senior Manager, Corporate Affairs at the bank.

“We expect that they will use the items to help fight against the spread of the COVID-19,” Esther Amany, Senior Manager, Finance at the GEXIM Bank, stated.

Receiving the donation, the head of the Adabraka Polyclinic, Dr. Abdul Razak Quao, described the gesture by the bank’s staff as timely, adding that it will go a long way to reduce the facility’s financial burden.

“If you take the cost of costuming one health worker to attend to patients in the isolation centre, it is about GH₵382 per shift. So, if you are considering 10 people in a shift that is about GH₵3,000 and we run three shifts, so you can imagine how much goes into it.

This donation will therefore go a long way to save us some internally generated funds that we use to procure some of the PPE to supplement what the government is giving us,” he said.

He added that: “As much as government is doing its  best, we will like to also encourage corporate organisations and individuals to help in terms of donations to boost staff morale to do their utmost best.”