Meditation – key in stress management


Herbalife Nutrition Ghana, a leading health and wellness organization has reiterated the relevance of stress management amidst so much uncertainty.

In highlighting ways of dealing with stress; Meditation for example can be considered. It helps achieve a calm state of mind while disconnecting individuals from the fast paced, rigorous and uncertainty of tomorrow experienced today.

Failure in managing extremely high levels of stress, breeds several health and wellbeing related outcomes; including interrupted sleep patterns and anxiety. Consistently executing meditation routines will aid in curbing this.

Meditation just like any other form of exercise, also yields some positive results by strengthening muscles. The added advantage however lies in the fact that most exercises may require outdoor activity and some materials or equipments to aid in execution. The perks of meditation however allow you to roll out anytime, anywhere.

We owe it to ourselves to ensure we are leading healthy active lifestyles, good nutrition and getting the required rest the body needs within a day.

Herbalife Nutrition is a global nutrition company whose purpose is to make the world healthier and happier. The Company has been on a mission for nutrition – changing people’s lives with great nutrition products and programs – since 1980. Herbalife Nutrition’s targeted nutrition, weight-management, energy and fitness and personal care products are available exclusively to and through its independent members in more than 90 countries.

Through its corporate social responsibility efforts, Herbalife Nutrition supports the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation (HNF) and its Casa Herbalife programmes to help bring good nutrition to children in need. Herbalife Nutrition is also proud to sponsor more than 190 world-class athletes, teams and events around the globe.