Prince Asilevi Junior’s thoughts…. The chemicals we use that cause our demise


A recent article published in the Scientific Reports by Rochman et al (2013) studied the effect of plastic debris littering aquatic habitats globally. According to the study results, fish and birds exposed to a mixture of polyethylene with chemical pollutants in the marine environment, bio-accumulate these chemical pollutants and suffer liver toxicity and pathology. One may ask in light of these findings: are humans bio-accumulating plastic toxins from consumption of fish and birds, or are humans directly ingesting plastic toxins from plastic products?

The plastic explosion around the world is overwhelming, and environmental health scientists are becoming increasingly concerned. Reportedly, synthetic chemicals are in nearly everything we touch and consume, while most chemicals can be potentially harmful and cause possible long-term health effects from our everyday exposure.

Of the more than 40,000 chemicals used in consumer products in the US, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, less than 1% have been rigorously tested for human safety. Of course, consumers can’t know about them all; however, it’s good to have ‘be aware’ of five notable groups of synthetic chemicals: pesticides, phthalates, flame retardants, bisphenol (BPA), PFAS.

According to Leo Trasande of NYU Langone Health – an expert in children’s environmental health and author of Sicker Fatter Poorer: “You can reduce your levels of exposure to these chemicals, but you can’t completely eliminate these exposures because some of them are on our subways, our buses; they’re in the environments and we can’t control them”.


The EPA defines pesticides as any chemical substance used to regulate, prevent or destroy plants or pests – usually insects, rodents or micro-organisms such as fungi and bacteria.

According to the Agricultural Health Study -0 a government-funded research study that has monitored nearly 90,000 farmers and their spouses since the early 1990s – pesticides have been linked to a list of long-term health issues, including: prostate, lung, thyroid and bone marrow cancer; diabetes; Parkinson’s disease; asthma and macular degeneration; and farm workers face significantly higher exposure.

What can consumers do? Peel produce and trim the fat from meat and fish (where pesticides might collect), wash and scrub fruit and vegetables under running water. Buy organic fresh foods where you can, and eat different kinds of produce to avoid potentially high exposure to a single pesticide.


Phthalates are a group of chemicals most commonly used to make plastic more flexible and harder to break, which also act as a binding agent or a solvent. They were first introduced in the 1920s as an additive in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and some healthcare products, such as insect repellent.

They are in cosmetics and personal care products (shampoo, perfume, nail-polish, hairspray, sanitary pads and more), vinyl flooring, mini-blinds and wallpaper, raincoats, medical equipment and devices (including blood storage bags and IV tubes), plastic pipes, shower curtains, plastic film and food packaging, pharmaceuticals, lubricating oils and detergents.

They are believed to be an endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) that can alter hormonal balance and potentially cause reproductive, developmental and other health issues.

Links have been found to reproductive and genital defects, lower sperm count, disrupted hormones, and infertility has been found in numerous studies on animals according to the National Research Council in a 2008 risk assessment report. Consumers can minimise exposure by avoiding plastic food containers. Alternatively, use glass instead and never reheat food in plastic.

 Flame retardants

Flame retardants are chemicals that are applied on materials to prevent the start or slow the growth of fire. They have been used since the 1970s in a wide range of common household items. Common types include: brominated flame retardants (the most commonly used), OFRs, TBBPA, HBCD and OPFRs. Brominated flame retardants belong to the same class of chemicals as PCBs, which were banned by the EPA in 1979.

They can be found in furniture foam, carpets, curtains and other textiles; paints, food packaging, surfboards, home insulation; appliances, toys, electronics (laptops, televisions, phones, cables, wires and circuit boards); car seats and other automotive parts, and many baby products. An EPA report related to the risk evaluation process for HBCD references multiple studies finding potential effects on liver and thyroid function, and the endocrine system. Some chemicals have also been linked to cancer.

Children are most vulnerable because their bodies and brains are still developing, and they are often more exposed to flame retardant-laden products such as carpets, toys and other items. Inhalation of household dust is believed to be the main way people are exposed to flame retardants.

They can also be ingested through food or absorbed through the skin. Therefore, consumers should limit exposure at home by keeping dust levels down through wet-mopping. Wash your hands before eating since hand-to-mouth contact can lead to flame retardant exposure – an especially important tip for children. Finally, avoid buying furniture and baby products filled with polyurethane foam.

Bisphenols (including BPA)

Bisphenols are a group of chemicals used to manufacture plastics, epoxy resins and other products since the 1960s. They are in receipt paper, food and beverage can liners, food packaging, DVDs and CDs, medical equipment, toys and automotive parts, water bottles and some dental sealants.BPA is considered a building block of plastic, and is one of the most used industrial chemicals today.

The EPA says it is concerned about BPA, because “it is a reproductive, developmental and systemic toxicant in animal studies and is weakly estrogenic”. BPA is absorbed into the body mainly through food and drink, though contaminated air and dust might also be a factor. Therefore, consumers should cut down on canned food and avoid microwaving food in plastic containers or cans. Non-plastic containers when possible for food and drinks are relatively safer.

PFAS chemicals

PFAS (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a group of at least 4,700 synthetic chemicals that have been in commercial production since the 1940s to make surfaces resist stains, water and grease.

The most widely studied are PFOA (also known as C8 used for decades to make Teflon non-stick) – and PFOS, used to make Scotchguard water repellent. PFAS chemicals can be in non-stick cookware, fire retardants, stain and water repellents, furniture, waterproof clothes, pizza boxes and take-out containers, food packaging, carpets and textiles, rubbers and plastics, electronics and some dental floss.

They can also be dispersed through air and water, and have been found in the environment of the Arctic (and its polar bears) and open ocean waters. Also, they have been found in the drinking water, plus 126 military bases, where PFAS-rich firefighting foam is used for training exercises.

The CDC found PFOA in the blood of 98% of Americans, as well as in breast milk and umbilical cord blood.

Meanwhile, a growing body of evidence has linked exposure to some of them with developmental issues, cancer, liver damage, immune system disruption, resistance to vaccines, thyroid disease, impaired fertility and high cholesterol. PFAS have been dubbed ‘possibly carcinogenic’ to humans by the EPA and the International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC). Numerous studies on PFOS and PFOA on both humans and animals have shown a wide range of possible health effects; including decreased fertility among women, decreased sperm count and penis size, lowered birth weight, cancer and – among animals studied – death.  Exposure to PFAS comes mainly from drinking contaminated water, eating food packaged in certain materials, or using products embedded with PFAS.

Therefore, avoid non-stick cookware, Gore-Tex fabric and clothing made with pre-2000 Scotchguard, and personal care products containing PTFE or flouro ingredients. Watch out for local fish advisories and don’t eat contaminated catches.


Formaldehyde is a colourless, strong-smelling gas used in making building materials and many household products such as lotions, shower gel, baby wash, shampoo, wrinkle-free clothing and bed linen.

>>>the author can be reached on [email protected],0594710286