FanMilk presents GH¢63,000 to grand winner of Fanyogo Cool Chop Promo


FanMilk Limited has held an event to reward Grand Prize winners of the FanYogo Cool Chop Promo.

The event was held on Thursday, May 28, 2020, and climaxed with presentation of GH¢63,000 to the Grand Prize winner, Samuel Kwame Agyai of Nkoranza.

Speaking at the event, Edwin Amoako, Marketing Director of FanMIlk, said: “As we all know, FanYogo is one of Ghana’s most iconic brands with a strong heritage and over 50 years of history. In line with this, we launched the FanYogo Cool Chop Promo to celebrate the occasion of Ghana’s 63rd independence anniversary and also reward our loyal consumers who have been faithful to us all these years.”

He added: “Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, we had a strong commitment to conclude the promo and still reward our loyal consumers. FanMilk ascribes strongly to the ‘One Planet, One Health’ vision of our mother company (Danone) which seeks to promote healthy eating and environmental sustainability.

We have brought this vision to life within the COVID-19 crisis by donating generously to support Frontline health and security professionals. In these trying times, we believe the cash rewards form this promo will help alleviate the plight of a few lucky people and change their lives for better.”

In his closing remarks, he said: “I would like to say a big congratulations to all our winners. We appreciate your loyalty. To our consumers, keep enjoying your favourite FanMilk products; tomorrow you could be the one enjoying exciting rewards from FanMilk”

Winner of the GH¢ 63,000 grand prize, Samuel Kwame Agyai of Nkoranza was grateful to FanMilk for the prize. He said: “I am very excited about the prize. I will invest the money into my Farming business and also support my child’s education. I really appreciate what FanYogo has done for me ”

In addition to the Accra event, FanMilk will be rewarding Promo winners in other regions at their various FanMilk Regional Offices.

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