AngloGold Ashanti marks Africa Day and efforts to fight COVID-19


AngloGold Ashanti joins over 1,2 billion Africans across the continent and in the diaspora in marking Africa Day at a time when the African Union (AU) is spearheading several initiatives aimed to combat the spread of COVID-19 and ensure Africa’s economic resilience.

The theme for this year’s Africa Day, Silencing the Guns; creating a conducive environment for Africa’s developmentprovides the relevant framework to all stakeholders including governments, the private sector, civil society and academia to join forces in the fight against the pandemic, ensuring that livelihoods are protected and keeping economic activity alive. The theme is in pursuance of the aspirations of Agenda 2063, which provides a developmental framework towards a continent that is integrated, prosperous and peaceful. Other flagship projects include the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which has come into force and which aims to boost intra-African trade.

Africa’s leaders met and developed a comprehensive, continent-wide response strategy to COVID-19 in March. The strategy aims to enhance collaboration and communication on COVID-19 by member states and partners, including Africa CDC, which specializes in efforts to strengthen health systems and improve surveillance, emergency response, prevention and control of diseases in AU member states.

AngloGold Ashanti is committed to supporting the AU in its response strategy and is working in cooperation with the respective government programmes and stakeholders to roll out a series of hygiene and educational interventions at its sites and across communities.

As a pan-African investor, AngloGold Ashanti operates in five countries across the continent and is a joint venture partner in a mine in a sixth. It employs more than 20 000 people including contractors. The Company continues to build its African operations, investing millions of dollars annually in sustaining and growing its portfolio on the African Continent.

“AngloGold Ashanti aims to support the countries in which we operate to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The company continues to work closely with governments and communities and has rolled out a number of interventions to keep people safe,” said Sicelo Ntuli, Chief Operating Officer for Africa.

“AngloGold Ashanti congratulates all Africans on the occasion of Africa Day and will continue to work in partnership and support governments and communities where it operates,” he said.

The Company has introduced measures to slow the spread of the infection, stepping up screening and surveillance of employees, banning non-essential travel, instituting clear self-quarantine measures where applicable and increasing hygiene awareness and facilities across its operations. AngloGold Ashanti also has a range of humanitarian initiatives in place. It is committed to working with governments at all levels and a range of other stakeholders to slow the spread of COVID-19.


Collaboration with expert, multidisciplinary teams from the provincial governments to make available two hospitals and ICU beds for their exclusive use as part of the frontline COVID-19 effort.
Donation of masks to provinces, municipalities and hospitals.
Provision of free standing 1,000 litre water tanks for hand-washing facilities.
Distribution of care parcels, including food, to the needy.
Pledged R20 million to the Solidarity Response Fund, which is supported by business, civil society and the South African government.
Established partnership with Sasol and Imperial Holdings to protect frontline medical staff and patients at four major South African hospitals by providing bulk supplies of hand sanitizer.


Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGML) has committed TZS 1, 600,000,000 (US$ 691 431) to support the government of Tanzania in its efforts to curtail the spread of the virus.
Collaboration with Geita Urban Water and SanitationAuthority to donate 10, 1000 litre water tanks for hand-washing facilites that have been placed at busy centres across Geita town.
Active information campaigns, including distribution of posters, mounting billboards and radio awarenesscampaigns in communities.


AngloGold Ashanti Malaria Control (AGAMal) has beenworking to disinfect all the 21 health centres in the Obuasimunicipality, district and the local markets.
Widespread education campaigns on COVID-19 in Obuasi.
The AGA Health Foundation is helping through testing and has trained personnel in government hospitals in sampletaking.
The Obuasi and Iduapriem Mines have donated fundsthrough the Ghana Chamber of Mines, which has provided US$2million to the government of Ghana to fight COVID-19.
Iduapriem has prepared an isolation centre in Tarkwa, developed a comprehensive COVID-19 education campaign and increased the number of hand-washing facilities on site and in host communities. It has, also provided medical equipment and PPE.
At Iduapriem, around US$1 million will be spent mitigating the effects of COVID-19.


Organised awareness campaigns which have focused on thedistribution of information booklets and posters, in additionto increasing the number of hand washing facilities on sitesand in host communities.
Temperature testing has been introduced on site and in host communities.
The mines have supplied PPE and medical equipment.
A vehicle to be used as an ambulance has been provided by Siguiri for use in the surrounding communities.
In total the Siguiri operation in Guinea will spend around US$1 million to fight COVID-19. Sadiola in Mali will direct $500 000 to the COVID-19 prevention campaign.