26 years of Stratcomm Africa amid COVID-19 – Perseverance, Resilience and Positivity


COVID-19 has really overwhelmed the whole world. It has brought normal life to a halt for most of us. It has got us all seeking to stand together to be rid of the invisible virus – our common enemy! Yet, while we need to work together, we are having to distance ourselves physically from each other!! All over the world, borders are closed, human movements are being restricted to prevent spread of the virus. Even among families some find themselves quarantined, sometimes within the same home.

We all need to persevere in our determination to prevent spread of the virus and treat those infected to get them back to health, as well as restore vibrant socio-economic lives to us. We cannot give up. We need to be positive and resilient in the face of this adversity. The commitment of healthcare workers throughout the world has been amazing and should encourage us all. Such human traits are worth celebrating and communicating. Also worth appreciating are those through whose dire experiences of being infected very important scientific information is being gathered for fighting the virus. Let’s embrace those who have recovered from COVID-19 in love, without any stigma! We cherish the memories of the lives that have been claimed through this pandemic, and mourn with those who have lost loved ones.

Amid social distancing, we stay connected through communication. This shows how vital communication is for human existence, no matter the situation. So, we see technological innovation and deployment being driven by this fundamental human need to communicate, to engage, to stand together in times like these. Communication is crossing closed borders, defying lockdown and quarantine to touch people throughout the world in uplifting ways. Communication enables us to stand together, whether as families, communities, businesses, countries or the global community. It has become even more vital to ensure effective and excellent communication that helps promote safe and healthy behaviour, perseverance, resilience and positivity as the world combats the pandemic.

Perseverance, resilience and positivity, as well as communication excellence, have been part of the Stratcomm Africa story. It is really sobering for us to be commemorating our 26th anniversary in the midst of COVID-19.

We encourage all to remain resilient and persevere in fighting the pandemic. Let us stand together to overcome.

The writer is the Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Communications Africa (Stratcomm Africa) Ltd.


