COVID-19 Economic Response Strategy must come quick – GEA’s May Day Message


The Ghana Employers’ Association (GEA) has called on government to expedite work on the complete Economic Response Strategy to help industry adjust their operations and stay in business amidst COVID-19 economic challenges.

This was entailed in the Press Statement from the Association to to mark this year’s Worker’s Day celebration.

The full statement below

The Ghana Employers’ Association (GEA) would like to extend its warm felicitations to all workers on the occasion of the May Day celebrations in Ghana. GEA acknowledges the invaluable role and profound sacrifices made by workers towards the economic and social development of Ghana, and would therefore like to say “Ayekoo” to all Ghanaian workers.

This year’s celebration is being held at a time when the world is witnessing the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic which has had a debilitating and pervasive impact on all countries across the globe. The pandemic is impacting adversely on businesses, employers, workers and households worldwide and threatening the health and livelihoods of the citizenry in all sectors of our economy. The sustainability of enterprises is at risk and the potential economic and social impact cannot be underestimated.

GEA wishes to commend Government for the measures and actions taken thus far to prevent the spread of the disease and to assure all of the full support and cooperation of the Association in our collective obligation to rid the country of this pandemic.

GEA indeed appreciates the commitment, dedication and hardwork of the front-line health workers in reinforcing the measures and protocols outlined by Government to combat COVID-19 in Ghana and accordingly deserve commendation. We have seen them work day and night, giving their best against all the odds to ensure that the virus is effectively contained and the lives of Ghanaians safeguarded.

Undoubtedly, the disruptions caused by the pandemic to the global economy therefore requires rapid response measures by all stakeholders to revive our economy and businesses in order to sustain jobs.
GEA would like Government to lead in the development and implementation of a comprehensive Economic Response Strategy (ERS) to the COVID-19 pandemic. This will require the development of stabilization and stimulus packages for businesses and households to reduce the impact of the pandemic both in the crisis period and after the threat of the virus has been eliminated.

Also, Ghana depends largely on imports, which includes inputs for the production of most of our goods and services. The spread of the virus, has dampened global demand, which will in the coming months create supply chain shortages for businesses and employers in Ghana. To help address this situation, GEA believes that there is the need to identify and support local firms that produce substitutes of the imported products to ensure continuity of production and consumption in the Ghanaian economy. This in effect is one of the surest ways to assure continuous employment in the country.

Given the enormity of the challenges facing the country, GEA urges constructive dialogue, consultations and negotiations among the key actors – businesses, Organized Labour and other bodies – to design and implement measures that balance the sustainability of enterprises, sustained employment, a safe and healthy citizenry and a resilient national economy.
Once again on behalf of all employers in Ghana, the GEA would like to express its appreciation to all workers for their hardwork and dedication to the social and economic development of the country in these challenging times. Thanks