Brand disruption – post COVID-19, personal brands that will crush it!



“Either you adapt to change or be changed by it” – Bernard Kelvin Clive


Truth be told, after this pandemic, things will never be the same again, the entire world has been shaken and disrupted. How secured is your current job, is there anything like job security? Well, let’s look at what’s happening globally.


In a recent report by the Department of Labor, published in the New York Times, it was estimated that over three million people have lost their jobs in the US alone since the outbreak of COVID19. It has also been estimated that global job losses could total over 25 million. Very alarming, other nations are feeling the sting like the bite of a poisonous cobra.


According to as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the worldwide travel and tourism industry is anticipated to see a loss of 75.2 million businesses worldwide in 2020. The sector that should see the greatest hits from coronavirus is the Asia Pacific, losing around 48.7 million positions, while Europe is estimated to be the second hardest hit with a huge drop of 10.1 million. Africa is estimated to loss about 4.4 million.


In Ghana, many industries have been hit especially the hospitality industry. They are plummeting and many workers are being laid off as the day goes by.

What do you do in times like this? Surely, there’s hope, if only you believe and act now. It’s what you do in times of crisis that determines your aftermath.


I will encourage you to do some things. Start by finding skills that would be relevant in these times and after the pandemic. You can search online and even just scan through your locality how things have shifted and possible solutions you could provide. Don’t just sit there waiting for all to be over and assume life will resume normalcy. No! That will not happen! A shift has been initiated and the gap is getting wider. The earlier you embrace it, the better, if not you will miss tons of opportunities by not acting.


The digital revolution has started and you must not be late for the party. Use this period to learn, acquire some digital skills. Use your time profitably.


Let me share with you just three (3) hotcake jobs you should be preparing for by acquiring some soft skills.


Digital Marketers: 

A lot of companies and individuals would be scrambling for visibility online, that’s where experts who can help achieve that goal would be sought after. This is what you can do to get ready. Learn digital marketing, take Google’s free digital marketing course online.


Learn how to advertise using Google AdWords, YouTube, Facebook, etc. effectively, that will enable you to make a lot of money online in the coming days.

Check the link below to sign up for Google’s Free Digital Training Course

A Digital marketer earns an average of $40,000 a year.


Digital Security Experts: 

Ecommerce boom and doom! With the increase in online business, comes with its challenges, cyberbullying, cyber thefts, hackers, etc. there is, therefore, a need to protect brands, systems, networks, against attacks from these unscrupulous people and unforeseen effects.

The Insurance Information Institute (, stated that in 2018, consumers reported losing about $1.48 billion related to fraud complaints, an increase of $406 million from 2017. A huge amount of money gone!


Several local firms and individuals also lose lots of money yearly due to cyber thefts but these companies hardly report them. It’s increasing becoming risker doing business online and lots of precautions must be taken. All these calls for an increase in demand for Cybersecurity experts. The earlier to get trained the better.

You could earn an average of $90,000 a year as a Cyber Security expert.

Take courses from,,



Content writers are going to be in high demand in the coming days. As the digital noise gets amplified, brands would like to be heard and spread. A need for creative writers to aid in this quest would rise. It’s not just about writing blog posts or articles but quality and creative content that does convert. A skill only a select few have, but you can also learn to be skilled at it.


Regarding bloggers and blogs, blogs that would be making more money would be the authority based blogs and niched sites. Sites focused on specific themes and topics with quality content. If you are desiring to start blogging, then be advised to focus on a niche area to build expertise in.

You could be making an average of $45,000 annually as a copywriter.


Additionally, did you know you can earn an average of $100 for writing articles/blog posts?  Yes! A website like pays between $250 – $1500 per article.

Let me share with you a few of the websites that pay for writing;

  • com/get-paid-to-share-your-expertise-with-us/

The caveat is that though these sites pay for accepted and published articles, it doesn’t come cheap. A lot of work must go into your writing and pitching. Hey, give it a shot!


The good news is that all these skills can be learned at your own pace online.

To get better and skilled keep practicing and remember to take courses from,,,, etc.


Don’t be left out, prepare!

Rise to the occasion!

Recommended further reading:

Digital Disruption: Personal Brands that will Crust It After the Pandemic.




Bernard Kelvin Clive is an Author, Speaker and Corporate Trainer. Africa’s foremost author(ity) on Personal Branding. An Amazon bestselling author of over 40 published books. As a speaker & trainer he has been known to simplify complex ideas about branding and life and present them to audiences in clear, actionable steps. He has over a decade experience in digital publishing and has globally consulted and trained thousands of entrepreneurs, pastors, and people like you to write books and build brands. He hosts the number one ranked Career & Business Podcast in Ghana. Bernard is a brand strategist at BKC consulting and runs the monthly Branding & Publishing Masterclass.





21 Amazing Sites That Will Pay You $100+ Per Article [Updated]