Under siege!


“Imagine spending a month or so in a lock down with a partner you officially hate, essentially despise, primarily abhor, incredibly detest, and categorically dislike! It would be better to serve time in some unknown corona concentration camp, far away from your veritable nemesis than spend a month of eternity with a disagreeable companion.”

A state amnesty (inappropriately being referred to by all as lock down) that should in proper perspective be celebrated as absolution from work, freedom from pressure, pardon from traffic violations, insurance from police provocations, indeed a God-sent opportunity for family re-naissance has become the nemesis and the veritable foe of most unhealthy families the world over.

The complaints and lamentations of many families about having to spend days of boredom and long hours of misery and frustrations at home, in the company of objectionable partners and irascible spouses is testament to the communal depletion of family values and godly etiquette in modern matrimonial relations.

We all pretend our family relations are healthy ─ and this is so as long as we occupy our time with work, friends and mammon ─ in exchange for quality matrimony and affinity. But when we are stripped to our core skeletal framework of the things that make our world turn round, the things we cling to ─ the programs, the conferences, the travels, friends, football, food, education, dreams, religion, even church in the congregational, pompous sense ─ our misplaced priorities become magnified, and our relationship frivolities and miscarriages attain horrific status.

Imagine spending a month or so in a lock down with a partner you officially hate, essentially despise, primarily abhor, incredibly detest, and categorically dislike! It would be better to serve time in some unknown corona concentration camp, far away from your veritable nemesis than spend a month of eternity with a disagreeable companion!

And here is the truth, some couples by their attitude, character and disposition are technically worse than the corona virus, which we all so unequivocally dread. The globalists may have their own agenda for the lock down, but God’s overwhelming master plan for the family is superior. (Jeremiah 29: 9-11) The lock down could be a divine intervention for families all over the world, particularly Christians to revisit the broken foundations of God’s house (Acts 17: 26-27) and rebuild all we have surrendered to the forces of the world.

There is little doubt in my mind that the apologetic state of the church in our communities and nations is the consequence of the superficiality, and the insipidity of the family church. At a time we should be raising a million prayer cells of family fires across the world to demonstrate our depth, invincibility, formidability, amorphousness, relevance, and dependability on the Lord, we are rather full of timidity and fear, virtues foreign and strange to our original make-up.

Here is my mind. In these end times, the family church would become most relevant than ever before. Huge auditoriums that have depleted the family church would have to give back their loot and plunder, so God will take over the families of the nations and build unto himself a royal priesthood, a peculiar people, an holy nation that does not live in buildings made with hands, but built by the spiritual hands of God.

And so I wish, and voraciously pray, that the President will be gracious to extend the siege for two more weeks, after the manner of some of the other nations, so warring families after exhaustive ramblings and conflagrations would seek reprieve from the Lord and turn to God.

Do it for God and country, sir!