MTN launches “aYo Recharge with Care” in Takoradi


MTN Ghana has launched an innovative product dubbed “aYo Recharge with Care” in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis for its subscribers.

The aYo Send with Care, is an insurance products being offered to MTN subscribers. “Just by choosing to send mobile money with care, aYo charges 5% of the amount sent and gives you three times what you sent as 120 days life insurance cover of yourself and the recipient “Mr. Simon Amoh, Regional Senior Manager of MTN South West explained.

In addition, he said aYo pays the subscriber up to three times the amount sent in case he or she is admitted at the hospital for at least one night.

“A year ago, we launched this product that brought insurance to many in Accra; and today, we are launching it in Takoradi, this service demonstrates our phenomenal commitment to innovation and value for life” he said.

He pointed out that beyond the financial inclusion imperative of the aYo Recharge with Care Services, subscribers will be in a position to enjoy all the benefits of insurance package in a simple and convenient way.

According to Mr. Amoh, insurance is now more than a form of social safety net, it is a tool to absorb risks from individuals and ensure stability while promoting economic growth. Insurance, has therefore become even more relevant in today’s fast paced world where risks are a part of individuals daily life.

The onus, he said lies on MTN subscribers to recognize and take advantage of convenient insurance opportunities and make the most out of it.

He explained that the aYo Recharge with care enable subscribers to buy a life policy cover up to a minimum of GHc300 for a subscriber and a family member, as well as a hospitalization cover of a minimum of GHc40 per night for subscriber anytime he or she top up airtime.

“To get activated, one has to dial a short code *296#  and follow the prompt; the amount of airtime to be deducted  as premium is automatically set up at enrolment”, he said.

He explained further that the minimum and maximum premium are automatically at GHc0.50pesewas and GHc2.00 respectively.

This, he mentioned makes it possible for more people to be insured while significantly increasing the insurance penetration of the country which is significantly lower than expected.

Mr.  Francis Gota, Chief Executive Officer of aYo encouraged subscribers of MTN to take advantage the opportunity offered to buy insurance on the phone to get the benefit.