Public Institutions, Others receive over 80,000 cedis investment from Polytank Ghana.


More than ten thousand Ghanaians in various communities and public institutions have benefited from Polytank Ghana’s policy of helping improve access to water.

Spending over 80,000 Ghana Cedis in tank donations to marginalized areas and groups, Polytanks Ghana’s benevolence has impacted institutions as the Ghana Prisons Service, the Ghana Police, some Fire Service stations, Educational institutions, International NGOs, rural communities, among others.

Being the lead producer of durable water storage tanks in Ghana, Polytank believes that access to clean water for all humans must be viewed as a right. The role of clean water in ensuring good health, proper sanitation and improved livelihoods is a daily reality.

Small wonder, the words of Former UN Secretary General Dr. Kofi Anan, who says “Access to safe water is a fundamental human need and therefore a basic human right” has been adopted by Polytank Ghana as its cardinal principle around which our operations have revolved since its establishment some 25 years ago as a subsidiary of the Mohinani Group.

Executive Director of the Group, Mr. Ashok Mohinani, emphasized the Group’s commitment to assist the government meet the global climatic challenge of ensuring sustainable access to clean water as a way of giving back to the communities in which we operate.

“Water is not just life but a basic human right which needs to be preserved and not wasted. Our business Group gives these storage tanks to people who have limited access to clean water in order to manage the little they have to consume”.

It is our hope that these gestures will go a long way to improve the health and general wellbeing of the beneficiaries.

“As we mark World Water Day today, we are happy to reiterate our company’s commitment to invest in quality and affordable water management products that will help ensure that more Ghanaians have improved access to clean water always no matter where you live”.

Touching on this year’s theme, “Nature For Water,” Mr. Mohinani encouraged all Ghanaians to desist from actions that have adverse effects on the country’s fresh water resources. Pledging to adopt more environmentally friendly methods in it operations.