Automobile Tub and Cleaning sensitizes Customers on World Water Day

Richard Amegavlui (middle) with staff at the sensitization

As part of activities to commemorate World Water Day which falls on March 22, 2018, Automobile Tub and Cleaning Services Limited, an on-demand eco – friendly mobile car wash and detailing company has held sensitization sessions for operators of car wash bays around the Ashale Botwe and Adjiriganor areas of Accra.

Richard Amegavlui, the wash coordinator of Automobile Tub Ltd. enlightened the operators on water conversation methods and management of waste chemical-tainted water run offs from car washing.

It is interesting to note that the traditional car wash, valeting and detailing industry globally is highly dependent on water for the discharge of their services. The situation is no different in Ghana, where averagely, about 30 gallons of water is required to wash a single vehicle. In the face of acute water shortages for human consumption and other important activities, this has continually raised concerns from water conservationists, The Ghana Water Company and Environmental authorities.

Also alarming is the pollution of our water bodies from harmful chemical as a result of inappropriate management and discharge of water run offs from car washing activities.