Anglogold Ashanti Iduapriem Gold Mine reviews crop rates for 2018 farm compensation


Stakeholders and farmers of AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Gold Mine host communities have met to deliberate and agree on crop rates for mine-wide farm compensation for 2018. The meeting, which is held yearly, brings together relevant stakeholders to review crop rates used to pay compensation to farmers whose activities are impacted by the mine, to reflect the prevailing market conditions.

The establishment of crop rates has become an industry practice, whereby each year a broad range of stakeholders meet to agree on compensations for affected farmers in line with the Compensation and Resettlement Regulation 2012 (LI 2175). The stakeholders are constituted to negotiate for crop rates that will be used for farm compensation throughout the year.

A Senior Officer-Land Access of the Mine, Bismark Yeboah, in a presentation explained the modalities used in calculating crop rates.

He encouraged all stakeholders to be objective and fair during the negotiations “as we strive to reach an agreeable rate that is fair and beneficial to all negotiating parties’’.

Acting Senior Manager – Sustainability of the mine, Stephen Adjei said the mine is committed to ensuring that it pays fair compensation to any farmer impacted by its activities.

According to the Odikro of Badukrom, Nana Kofi Guma Bio, the meeting proved beneficial to him and other colleague farmers since it afforded them an opportunity to be part of setting crop rates for 2018.

“I am well-informed to enable me better explain to my community the issues that were considered before arriving at the rates,” he added.

Signing the agreed rates by participants for use by the mine, an elated Madam Awo Wugah – the 2017 Municipal Best Farmer – stated: “The interactive session has been educative, and it will go a long way to help farmers”.

Speaking on the forum’s sidelines, Agric Director-Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality, Mr. Otu, commended the mine for institutionalising such review discussions on its crop rate. He called for more collaborative efforts between farmers and the mine.

Mr. Otu encouraged farmers to make good use of the opportunity presented by the mine to improve on their livelihoods. .

Present at the forum were representatives from Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipal Assembly, Presteaa–Huni Valley District Assembly, Land Valuation Division, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Apinto and Esuaso Traditional Councils, Stool Land secretariat, Assemblymen on the mine’s concession, women’s groups, and Traditional leaders of the mine’s 19 host communities among other stakeholders.