Second Poultry Value Chain Fair to come off in March


The second edition of the Poultry Value Chain Fair (PCVF) will be held in the Brong Ahafo Regional capital of Sunyani, from March 21 to 22, 2018.

The event will be on the theme ‘Employment creation along the poultry value chain: the public private partnership approach’. The Fair is an initiative of the Ghana Poultry Project (GPP). GPP is a five-year project funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food for Progress Programme (FFP), implemented by ACDI/VOCA and TechnoServe with a goal to increase the competitiveness of domestic production and processing of poultry, meat and eggs.

The Fair also falls in line with government’s policy of encouraging private sector participation in the agricultural sector’s development, and is being organised by GPP, Assist Management in Poultry Layer Industry by Feed Improvement and Efficiency Strategy (AMPLIFIES), Ghana National Association of Poultry Farmers (GNAPF), and Agrihouse Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA).

With the aim of making domestic production and processing of poultry products more competitive, the PVCF will, among other things, seek to create a platform to shape the industry’s future.

Given that Ghana barely produces 25 percent of its domestic poultry consumption, the key objectives of the PVCF are to, among other things, create sustainable market linkages between the poultry value chain actors at both supply and demand ends, as well as provide poultry farmers with access to relatively cheaper/quality sources of inputs.

This is expected to result in a reduction of production cost, and ultimately lead to an increase in domestic production.

The event is expected to draw over 1,500 participants, including farmers, traders, input suppliers, donor agencies, decision-makers among others, and will also serve as a platform to dialogue on ways of growing the industry’s untapped potential.

GPP currently works in Ghana’s three largest poultry producing regions – the Brong Ahafo, Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions.

In Brong Ahafo, GPP operates in Dormaa, Sunyani, Techiman, Wenchi, Nkoranza and Berekum. In Ashanti Region it can also be found in Ejura Sekyeredumasi, Atwima Nwabiagya, Atwima Kwanwoman, Ejisu Juabeng, Ofinso North, Ofinso South and Kumasi Metro; while in Greater Accra it has presence in Accra Metro, Ga South, Ga East, Tema, Ada West and Dangbe East.

The theme for this year’s Fair highlights the importance of public-private partnerships for solving Ghana’s poultry production challenges, and the need to emphasise collaborative approaches to boosting the sector. This can improve food security, as well as generate income and jobs for thousands of Ghanaian youth.

“We invite all and sundry to participate in this brilliant opportunity to grow Ghana’s agricultural sector,” a release by the organisers added.