CCFC supports 500 schoolchildren with bicycles


Over 500 children, the majority being girls, have received bicycles for commuting to and from school to enhance their academic work in the Northern Region.

The initiative, introduced by the Christian Children’s Fund of Canada (CCFC), is to reduce the frustration that schoolchildren go through in rural areas as well as to avoid high school drop-outs due to distances they have to cover every day going to school.

Speaking to the B&FT, Communication Manager for CCFC Mr. William Anim-Dankwa noted that the high school drop-out rate in rural areas is due to the miles students must travel to access quality education.

“Most of these children will be found walking to nearby communities to attend school, and they get so tired it becomes difficult for them to participate in the academic work,” he said.

With support from ChildFund Korea, CCFC is constructing a six-classroom block for Kpinchilla in the East Gonja district to increase access to education, while other schools also will be getting school supplies and capacity building for teachers to enhance teaching and learning, he added.

“CCFC continues to drive innovative approaches to bring sustainable development that improves lives of the citizens in all sectors,” he stated.

He reiterated the organisation’s commitment to liaise with government and enhance quality education in the rural areas for a better Ghana.