‘Invest Your Talent in Italy’ scholarship programme opens

Giovanni Favilli

The third edition of the ‘Invest Your Talent in Italy (IYT)’ scholarship programme has officially been launched.

The Ambassador of Italy, Giovanni Favilli, made the announcement through a press release copied to the B&FT.

Invest Your Talent in Italy is a Programme sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, ICE, ‐ Italian Trade Agency;  and Uni–Italia (Centre for the academic promotion and orientation of study in Italy) in collaboration with Unioncamere (Italian Chambers of Commerce); Confindustria (Confederation of Italian Industry), in partnership with leading Italian companies.

IYT provides scholarships to students from 15 countries, with Ghana being the only country selected from West Africa.

The programme provides graduate students with a unique opportunity to continue their studies in one of the leading Italian universities, and to experience internships in top Italian companies.

The programme also offers an opportunity for participants to develop their skills through a range of Master’s and Postgraduate courses in English, which are geared toward improving their academic, technical and professional skills, and on‐the‐job training that provides knowledge for their future careers.

Postgraduate courses in Engineering, Advanced Technologies, Architecture, Design, Economics and Management at top Italian universities – designed in close cooperation with key businesses – are designed to boost participants’ job prospects within a competitive landscape.

The programme also includes Italian language and culture courses for the benefit of all students, to provide an opportunity for closer social and intellectual integration during their stay in Italy.

Admission to one of the Invest Your Talent in Italy courses offers the opportunity of being a beneficiary of scholarships, partial or total tuition fee exemption, and student support services. The scholarship, which is worth 8,000 euros per year, is subject to renewal for the second academic year in the case of attending a two‐ year course.

General entry qualification required is a three or four-year bachelor’s degree, while specific entry requirements will depend on the chosen course.

Applications must be sent by February 28, 2018through http://investyourtalentapplication.esteri.it.