Boarding denial incident: TAP, GACL begin investigations


TAP Air Portugal and the Ghana Airports Company Limited (GACL) are investigating an incident involving two Ghanaian passengers who were denied boarding on an Accra-Sao Tome and Principe bound flight on December 23, 2017.

The airline, in a statement copied to the B&FT said: “We sincerely apologize to all who were affected by the incident, and particularly to the two passengers who were directly affected.

TAP Air Portugal together with the Ghana Airports Company have initiated investigations into the incident and will take the necessary action in accordance with law and our conditions of carriage after the investigations.”

The airline has also assured the passengers, through their representatives, that the incident will properly be investigated and offending staff punished.

“We are in contact with the representative of the two passengers and TAP Air Portugal has rendered our apologies to the passengers through their representative and we have assured that the incident will be properly investigated and dealt with,” the statement said.

The airline further assured the public of working assiduously to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future and reiterated its commitment to the Ghanaian market.

The number of Ghanaians visiting São Tomé and Principe, a twin Island in the Atlantic Ocean that lies on the equator, has increased by about 20 percent since the airline started servicing the route in 2015.

This has necessitated the increase in flight frequency between the two countries to meet demand. Airline data available indicate that the total passenger uplift in 2016 from Accra to São Tomé and Principe was 2,294, representing a 29 percent increase over the 2015 figure of 1,620.

Established in 1945, the Lisbon-based airline flies to over 88 destinations in Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, and Asia. As a member of the Star Alliance, it offers travelers more flying options to hundreds of destinations around the world.

TAP was voted Europe’s Leading Airline to Africa 2017; Europe’s Leading Airline to South America 2017; and Europe’s Leading Inflight Magazine 2017 at the World Travel Awards.

In 2016, Tap was voted Europe’s Leading Airline to Africa and Europe’s Leading Airline to South America respectively.

Under the rules of carriage by international airlines, usually attached to tickets issued by airlines, passengers who are denied boarding as a result of over booking are entitled to an amount of compensation per their class of ticket and alternative arrangements made for them.