Shops,markets to close for AMA clean up exercise on Dec.2


The Accra Metropolitan Assembly as part of the National Sanitation Campaign will be organizing a clean up exercise on Saturday, December 2, 2017.

In pursuance of this, officials of AMA have disclosed that they will be an enforcement of AMA(Environmental Sanitation Day), Bye laws 1995.

Officials have therefore entreated shops, markets and other commercial activities must remain closed between the hours of 6:00am and 10:00am. This was contained in a press release copied to the B&FT.

Sanitary inspectors will be visiting households and entities to inspect their sanitation condition and issue notices(summon) if necessary during this period.

These bye-laws further directs all transport operators to undertake a general clean up exercise at lorry parks and bus stations with minimum movement of vehicles except those of emergency and security services.

To this end, all residents, departments, agencies, corporate organisations markets, drivers, opinion leaders, traditional authorities, teachers, students, pupils, are enjoined to come out with their cleansing tools to clean their respective communities, places of work, homes and surroundings.

The AMA will appreciate if residents, traders, transport operators will seize this opportunity to clean their respective areas to assist the AMA achieve the President’s vision of “Making Accra the Cleanest City in Africa”.