GLICO honoured with four awards at the 2017 CFO awards


GLICO, a leading insurance service provider, won four awards at the recently-held CFO awards.  The categories won were: Chief Finance Officer of the Year (Insurance); Chief Finance Officer of the Year (Pensions); Innovation in Insurance and a Special Recognition Award for the Executive Chairman of GLICO GROUP – Dr. Kwame Achampong-Kyei, for his outstanding contribution toward the development of insurance in Ghana.

Mr. Victor Owusu-Boakye received the Chief Finance Officer Insurance Category award; Mrs. Belinda Dede Tandoh received the Chief Finance Officer Pensions award; and the Group Head Corporate Affairs & Marketing, Nana Efua Rockson, received the Insurance innovation and special recognition award for GLICO GROUP.

Receiving the award on behalf of GLICO, Nana Efua Rockson expressed: “We are delighted that our efforts as an organisation in bringing insurance to the doorsteps of Ghanaians is being honoured. This is a feather in our cap and a challenge to continue churn out quality and innovative products for our customers”.

She also thanked the organisers of the awards, Instinctwave for recognising the contributions of Dr. Kwame Achampong-Kyei toward the development of insurance in Ghana. She further relayed the excitement felt by the Executive Chairman of GLICO GROUP when he received notification of his special award – that “It feels humbling to be awarded for something one has dedicated his entire life to. It is indeed a spur to do more as long as God gives me strength”.

The annual CFO awards recognize the accomplishments of senior finance executives and their contribution toward the growth and success of their organisations in the financial industry.

It is worthy of note that GLICO started operations as a life insurance company.  Significantly, it has grown into a Group status with six subsidiaries: namely GLICO LIFE, GLICO HEALTHCARE, GLICO PROPERTIES, GLICO CAPITAL, GLICO GENERAL and GLICO PENSIONS – all together providing innovative and quality insurance/ financial products and services for the Ghanaian people.