Guinness declares dividend to shareholders for the third year running


Guinness Ghana Breweries PLC has declared dividend for the third year running to its shareholders, after the company’s 48th Annual General Meeting held in Accra.

The financial year under review delivered GHc 4.26 million in dividend, which translates into a dividend payout of GH¢0.0138 per share, which was approved by the shareholders on Wednesday 4th November 2020.

The Board Chairman, Dr. Felix Addo, said the company has had another positive performance and remains unrelenting on its ambition to create the best performing, most trusted and respected consumer products company in Ghana.

“Guinness Ghana delivered a strong performance in the first nine months of the year. This was mainly driven by strong topline growth in major products category and benefitting from our strong brand equity and capex investment”, he said.

He however noted that the outbreak of Covid-19 presented significant challenges for the business as the on-trade was closed for the fourth quarter, but was proud that the full year sales performance still grew significantly versus last year whilst the business kept the health and safety of our employees and supporting our communities as a priority.

“Despite our challenges this year we are still focused on ensuring a sustainable performance and value creation for the company, it’s high performing team, communities, consumers and to deliver on our strategic priorities” he added.

The Board Chairman noted that this year marks 60 years of operations in the country and the business has a clear focus and continuous ambition on partnering for growth, driving out cost and re-investing in growth of the business  in order to step-up its productivity agenda.

Mr. Addo also indicated that to deepen corporate governance, the business is committed to ensuring its sustainability of the company through a robust corporate governance framework; adding that, “you would have noticed that this year, we have presented a full report on our sustainability projects in the annual report instead of the highlights I would have given in my statement.”

The meeting was also used to authorize the appointment of Dr. Helene Weesie, Managing Director of business, who took over from Mr. Gavin Pike in September 2020. Ms. Teye Mkushi and Mr. Ignacio Blazquez Salvador, who have both served on the Board since 2017 were also re-elected in accordance with the Companies Act.