QNET first Absolute Living Expo successful


The first-ever Absolute Living Expo organised by QNET Ghana was attended by many stakeholders and the general public. Government agencies such as the Ministry of Trade & Industry, Ministry of Business Development were well represented.

Ghana’s largest business association, the Association of Ghana Industries was also represented at the Expo which took place at the Accra International Conference Centre on 22nd and 23rd February, 2018.

The Chief Director of the Ministry of Business Development, Joe Tackie, representing the Minister for Business Development said: “We are glad to have QNET in Ghana for the long haul. We are also very glad that QNET’s business module supports entrepreneurship.

Having being in existence for 20 years and operating in about 100 countries across the world, we believe that Ghanaians will benefit immeasurably from the health, nutritional and entrepreneurial exploits QNET is introducing to Ghana.”

The Head of SME, at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Sampson Abankwa, representing the Minister for Trade & Industry added: “QNET’s entrance into Ghana is opening the space up for more entrepreneurial opportunities for the youth and Ghanaians in general.”

The Expo, themed around the concept of absolute living, is a campaign that embraces a holistic approach of well-being and healthy lifestyle. The expo aimed to raise awareness on the importance of healthy living and approaches towards achieving it:  Eat Absolutely, Drink Absolutely, Breath Absolutely and Feel Absolutely.

Among the key product highlights at the expo include EDG3, KENTA, H2GO, Qafé, DEFY, Prospark, Swiss eLeaning Institute (SELI) and QVI Club.

Commenting about the direct selling industry and QNET’s presence in Ghana, David Sharma, Advisor to QNET Board of Directors emphasized: “This year, QNET marks its 20th anniversary. It is a robust international e-commerce business providing healthy, nutritional and entrepreneurial solutions across the world.

Africa is the next big frontier and QNET sees Ghana as pivotal in its African operation. Direct selling business has been around for the past 150 years and proven its success in many advanced countries with more than 100 million people around the world taking part either full-time or part-time today. As one of the leading direct selling company, QNET is glad to be here in Ghana offering our products and services.”

“2018 is a very special and significant year for QNET as we celebrate our 20th anniversary. Since QNET was established back in year 1998, the company has been focusing on empowering people to live better by offering high quality lifestyle products, services, business opportunity and training. Moving forward, QNET will be conducting more trainings and awareness in the Africa region,” Mr. Sharma added.

QNET is very socially responsible and actively supports orphanages, differently-abled children, disaster relief projects, environmental protection and food/water programs around the world and has participated in programs with the United Nations, UNICEF and Commonwealth Business Council.

One of the most recent charity works in Ghana was the partnership with Worldreader to sponsor an e-reading programme for the Wechiau Community Library (WCL) in Wa West District, Ghana to help improve theeducational outcomes and instil reading habits in children in the Wechiau community through the use of digital content and technology.